One Nation, Under God

Malta CWD testing station for hunters

In 2019, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks will continue chronic wasting disease (CWD) surveillance for deer, elk, and moose. Sampling took place last year in Region 6, but more samples are needed in the Northern CWD Management Zone of R6, particularly with mule deer does and white-tailed deer, to determine distribution and prevalence of the disease.

In addition, in 2019, testing will also be available for hunter-harvested samples outside of the CWD Management Zones. For 2019, all testing is free of charge.

Hunters are the key tool for this sampling effort. The more samples FWP can collect, particularly from the CWD Management Zones, the better the Dept. can understand the distribution and prevalence of this disease. To be able to get your animal tested, you must retain at least the head (with four-inches of the neck attached) for sampling and help fill out a small information card, including the location of your harvest.

In Malta your options for getting your deer, elk or moose tested at a CWD-check station is 10 a.m.-sunset, Sat.-Sun., at the gravel lot behind Ezzie’s Westside Conoco on the north side of Hwy 2


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