One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for October 16, 2019

We have had more snow, wind and low temperatures all week. Winter seems to have moved its agenda up earlier. Our snow was very wet, mixed with rain so we did not have much cover on the ground. Night temperatures are very low, we have had heavy frost a couple of mornings. This weather has been a surprise, moving in so early and staying.

Wednesday the roads all over were slick, icy, and in some places closed.

Polly Solberg attended the Mini Gospel Jamboree in Malta on Sunday.

Jack and Ethel Siemens were back at the Lutheran Church on Sunday. They had enjoyed a bus tour through several states since being here, nice to have them back.

It was nice to have the Paul Mortenson family in church on Sunday. The boys had been in the sports news for playing so well in the football game, Malta against Glasgow.

Janice Edmister visited at the Dora Henry home.

There was no lunch served at the Wapatau Center this week.

Birthday greetings to Charlie Weaver, Tammy Wyse, Iris KillEagle and everyone in the community having a birthday this week and anniversary congratulations are sent to Wink and Terri Cole and to Don and Connie Wilkes. Have a happy day!

Family units are like banks. If you take out more than you put in they go broke.

Bundle up, stay warm and hope that it warms up!


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