One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for October 2, 2019

Friday heralded the first winter storm for this fall and it proved to be a quite severe one. Dodson received lots of wind and rain and wet snow mixed into the rain but other places in the state were hit hard and had accumulations of snow. On Sunday afternoon the snow did turn to large dryer flakes and covered the ground lightly for a little while. Other places had an accumulation of snow that stayed. God be with the people who had livestock and those who still had crops to harvest. Hopefully, it will warm up and they can still save some of the crops.

Polly Solberg and Dora Henry were in Havre on Thursday and Dora got her new glasses. So nice to see better again.

Terri Cole was in Billings on Friday to see a specialist for her foot. We hope it gets better for her soon.

There was no church at Dodson Lutheran last Sunday.

Get well wishes are again sent to Dee Shettel who was still feeling under the weather.

Condolences are sent to his wife Faye and all the extended family of Bruce James who passed away in Havre. Everyone will remember Bruce and his dry wit.

Birthday greetings to Wendy Hopkins and all celebrating another year this week. Anniversary congratulations to Mark and Sarese Pankratz and Jim and Dolores Shettel.

The Lord can do great things through those who don't care who gets the credit.

Remember the Catholic Harvest Dinner on Sunday the 6th of October starting at 11 a.m.


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