One Nation, Under God

Yesterday's Phillips County News Memories for September 4, 2019

100 years ago

September 5, 1919

The much discussed and fought over battle for the selection of a court house site was decided by a two to one victory for the R.M. Trafton block in the western part of Malta. "It was the hardest fought election ever held in the county. The election at the time of the county divisions fades into insignificance alongside this contest.


Five Phillips County boys and girls who had won community Farm Bureau prizes for agriculture products and displays were chosen to attend the Montana State Fair. They were Vernon Ekedahl, North Bowdoin; Alvin Drydahl, Loring; Edward Yeater, South Strater, and Mildred Sandvig and Oveida Williamson, Dodson. Among prize winners in the county were Elvira Swanson, Nina Brumley, Georgia Ashby, Adrian Obrian, Edgar Primeau, Lynn Kelly, Carl Edgren, Herman Primeau, Carl Edgren, Herman Primeau, Bertrand Smith, Carl Hebrlee, Cecil Whorley, and Arvid Drydahl.


Ms. Bessie Southwick and Charles Claypool were married at the Reuben Southwick home. The newlyweds left immediately for Hinsdale where the bridegroom holds a portion at the Hinsdale Mercantile.

75 years ago

September 7, 1944

Three baby boys

Three boys were born at the Survant Memorial Hospital this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lundtrom or Malta; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kron of Strater, and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lloyd Barnard of Beaverton are the parents.

Farewell party for Sgt. Grabofsky on Sept. 2

A farewell party was held at the Sunny Slope School September 2 in honor of Sgt. Henry Grabofsky. A large crowd attended the party. Dancing was the principle amusement.

Sgt. Grabofsky left Tuesday morning for Lincoln, Neb., for replacement. He spent two days less than two years overseas with the Air Corps, having served thru two major campaigns in Africa and Italy. He was wounded and spent several months in the hospital before being sent back to the United States.

Sgt. Grabofsky is the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grabofsky of the Sunny Slope area.

50 years ago

September 5, 1969

Malta School enrollments show a slight increase

A total of 939 students their second week of school Malta on Tuesday. The enrollment for the 1969-70 school term is just five more students than were reported last year. At the Malta Public Schools, there are 843 students compared with 840 last year and at St. Mary's parochial school there are 96 students as compared with 94 last term.

Malta High School has registered 336 pupils, with 87 seniors, 80 juniors, 88 sophomores, and 81 freshmen.

WAC to Vietnam

Spec. 5 Doris D. Fuller, formerly of Dodson, left Tuesday on the first leg of a journey to Vietnam where she will be stationed with the Women's Army Corps for the next year.

25 years ago

September 5, 1994

Outdoor pool, slide to close temporarily

The outdoor pool at the Sleeping Buffalo Resort has been closed down and will temporarily close also forcing the new slide to close down.

During the pool's closure, workmen will be building a partition in the pool which will close one-third of the pool area into which new water empties.

Softball raises $1,075 for unit

A total of $1,075 was raised to help the new Phillips County Search and Rescue Unit purchase needed equipment when the proceeds from the annual softball tournament were counted Monday. The tournament was sponsored by the Phillips County Crimestoppers.

10 years ago

September 2, 2009

Hi-Line Retirement Center receives construction funding expansion

USDA Rural Development made it official Monday in a ceremony at the Hi-Line Retirement Center, announcing the obligation of over $4 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds for the construction of a new 12-unit assisted living facility addition to the local nursing home.


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