One Nation, Under God
Malta Senior Meals
Thurs September 5th Cordon Bleu
Fri September 6th Fish n chips
Tues September 10th Salisbury steak
TV District meeting
First Tuesday. Phillips County TV District has their TV Board Meeting on the first Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. in the P.C. Library basement meeting room. All are welcome.
Olympian Youth Program
9-4. The Olympian Youth Program at Grace Fellowship starts on Wednesday, September 4 from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. A bus will be at the school to transport the kids to Olympians. Call 654-5282 Pastor Joe for any questions.
Blood Drive
9-5. The Red Cross Blood Drive will be Thursday, September 5, from 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Malta Lutheran Church. To make an appointment call 1-(800)-733-2767.
American Legion Auxiliary
9-5. The American Legion Auxiliary regular monthly meeting is September 5, 2019., 6 p.m. at the VFW Club.
Historic Walk
9-8. "Walk in the Past" - The Phillips County Historic Walk is being held Sunday, September 8, 2019, at the H. G. Robinson House & Gardens , Hwy 2 East, Malta, Mont., from 1 p.m. - 3:40 p.m. Enjoy four adults' and seven students' portrayals of Phillips County pioneers/ancestors. Refreshments and door prizes!
Carcass Results Workshop
9-8. Ever wonder what all goes into the carcass grading and how the different components impact each other? The Phillips County Extension Office will be conducting a “Carcass Results Explained” workshop on Sunday, September 8th at 4 p.m. in the Phillips County Library Meeting Room. Topics to be discussed include how carcasses are graded, what the numbers mean, how this contributes to carcass awards, and ultimately the end consumable product. All are welcome to attend!
Dirt Daubers meeting
9-9. The Malta Dirt Daubers will meet Monday, September 9 at Toni Z's home. Program by Keeta Turner "Using Healing Herbs and Extract Oils" in daily use. Business meeting 5:30 p.m. Special program 6 p.m. Guests welcome.
Historical Society
9-9. The Phillips County Historical Society meeting will be held Monday, September, 9, at 6:30 p.m. at the Phillips County Museum. Everyone welcome!
RSA meeting
9-10. Plan to attend the Ranchers Stewardship Alliance meeting on Tuesday, September 10 at 6 p.m., Malta Business Center, Ste. #4. For questions, call the RSA office at 654-1405.
Saco Schools Grandparents'/Special Persons' Day
9-11. Please join Saco Public Schools, on Wednesday, September 11, for a Grandparents'/Special Persons' Day Lunch. Those attending with students K-5 will eat at 11:30 a.m. Those attending with students 6-12 will eat at 12:00 p.m.
Old Friends in Billings
9-16. Meet old friends from Phillips County at the downtown Perkins in Billings on Monday, September 16 at 6 p.m. Call Carl Solberg at 406-656-9492 for more information.
Montana Veterans Affairs
9-19. Judy Loendorf and/or Steve Mulonet, Service Officers for the Montana Veterans Affairs will be visiting Malta City Hall on Thursday, September 19, from 9:30 until 11:30 a.m. to meet with Veterans who are interested in applying for benefits. If you are interested in applying for benefits, please bring a copy of your discharge paperwork with you.
Ranch Profitability Workshops
9-20. Ranch Profitability Workshops will be September 20, October 22 and November 5, for FREE from 1:00-4:00 p.m. in Suite 4, Malta Business Center. The workshops are sponsored by Ranchers Stewardship Alliance. Call Paula at 654-1405, for more information.
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