One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for June 12, 2019

The weather has stayed so strange----it is often very cold in the morning and then very hot during the afternoon. They have changed their forecast and we are now to be having no rain and it is beginning to be very dry.

They are to start work on the new well house so we have been warned we may be without water for unknown times this week.

We have lost several people who have been associated with the community over the years recently. Condolences are sent to the family, etc. of Mark Newby. Mark was a good member of the community as a farmer and a neighbor and was Eddie's breadman for many years. Jim and Dee Shettel, Terri Cole, and Dean and Carol Kienenberger were among the mourners attending his funeral on Saturday.

Sympathy is extended to the family of Harriet Wilkes in her passing.

Sympathy is extended to the Dolphay family in the passing of Lynn Dolphay, widow of Wayne Dolphay, in Havre.

Get well wishes are sent to Herman Dolphay who has been in the Havre Hospital for several days. Get well wishes are also sent to Laura Cole and Molly Minugh who have both been quite ill. A good recovery is hoped for both ladies.

Everyone having cattle have been busy this last while, branding and moving them to summer pasture. New bales of hay are seen in the fields also as the first cutting is being baled.

Pat Nordland is here and is cleaning out and getting ready to tear down the remains of the old Morris house. Most of it had burned many years ago.

Polly Solberg went to Great Falls for the eighth-grade graduation of Laura Dee Solberg's son.

We did finally have one rain shower the last of the week. Lots of thunder. Did not last long but helped.

Jack and Ethel Simons attended the Lutheran Convention in Great Falls where a new Bishop was elected to head the Lutheran Church in Montana, another lady!!

Birthday greetings are extended to all having a birthday, including Dolores Shettel on the 8th, Ike Williamson and Edward Solberg. Congratulations are sent to all having an anniversary also!

The smile on my face doesn't mean my life is perfect. It means I appreciate what I have and what I have been blessed with. I choose to be happy.

Have a good week and count your Blessings!


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