One Nation, Under God
Recently Post 57 supported the local baseball team by paying over $500 to cover their insurance / entry fee into the regional American Legion Baseball League. Along with 40 to 60 other spectators at Trafton Park, I really enjoyed their play on June 6th's double-header against Wolf Point. They won the 7 inning first game by 13-10 and were leading 5-1 in the second game when it was rained out.
The players occasionally swap positions as several of them are pitchers, and the rules apparently limit a person to 105 pitches before he must have five days rest. I believe the players I saw were Keith Etterson, Kendall Moore, Kaden Bishop, Wyatt Judd, Jeremiah Benson, Cameron Mears, Rex Williamson, Julian Benson, Canyon Stiles, Conner Tuss, R.C. Skiff, and Dylan Constante. There was also some interested younger supporters and possible missing players that evening. They were to play a double-header at Trafton Park on June 8th against Laurel. Come on out and enjoy their games the rest of the season.
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