One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for April 17, 2019

Dora Henry attended two meetings of the Council on Aging in Malta on Wednesday. On Thursday Bill Henry came and took his mom to Glasgow for a six-week cardiac check-up with the Billings providers that come up once a month. Everything going well!

Polly Solberg attended the District 12 Music Festival held in Malta on Friday and Saturday and was very impressed with most of the musicians performing.

Terri Cole was out helping scout for a possible water leak on Tuesday but it thankfully was not a break. Dodson experienced low water pressure due to an electrical problem.

Congratulations to all the track kids who did so well at the tournament in Havre. Good going!

There were some pretty hard winds blowing for awhile on Sunday. A few drops of rain fell but then the wind let up some and we didn't get the rain.

It was nice to have some young people, the former Lumsden girls, and their five children visit church on Sunday. We don't have many young children visit and it does liven it up.

Happy Birthday wishes and anniversary greetings to all celebrating this week including Don Wilkes and Sarah KillEagle. Have a good one!

Worrying won't stop the bad stuff from happening: it just stops you from enjoying the good.

Have a Happy and Blessed Easter and keep thinking spring — it's coming.


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