One Nation, Under God

Blunder Man strikes again...from the News desk

Reading the front page of any newspaper should almost never include perusing opinions. The bad news is, this spot is opinion, mostly, except for the fact that I blundered big this week…no fake news there.

As Monday morning ticks into the afternoon, and we are now 31 minutes past deadline, I can’t find my voice recorder which contains several interviews for stories I am tasked with writing today, all from memory (and some chicken-scratch notes). The Malta Walleye’s 30th annual banquet preview story, the Malta High School Spring Play preview story, the Miss Montana in Phillips County story, and the gracious grant award of $11,000 ($6,000 to Saco High School and $5,000 to Malta High School) provided by WBI Energy’s MDU Resources Foundation for use in their Business Professionals of America programs and upcoming trips to the BPA National Leadership Conference were what I was supposed to write this week, and now I will scramble and try to freestyle as many of those news items as I can on very short notice.

Is it the end of the world? It feels like it to me, but I will survive, and I reckon you will as well. My apologies to everyone who I interviewed this week and when you don’t see yourself directly quoted in the pages of the paper this week, you now know why.

Now if anyone sees a small, silver voice recorder lying about town, pick up, listen to the interviews if you want (the interviews were golden, I assure you) and then either bring it by my shop for a handsome reward of throw it into the middle of Central Avenue and let the traffic have it; I will persist either way (or I will run away tomorrow with a band of gypsies…could go either way at this point. See you soon?)


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