One Nation, Under God

Yesterday's Phillips County News Memories for February 20, 2019

100 years ago

February 23, 1919

In spite of the fact that the temperature was 25 below zero and there was a severe storm, some 300 Phillips County farmers attended the Farmer's Institute held in Malta


Judge John Hurley had called a jury team of district court. On the calendar were several bootlegging cases, two murder cases, and a grand larceny case.


Mrs. Charles Seaford of Landusky died at a local hospital. She was survived by her husband and five small children.


Dick Alldrin was named deputy treasurer by treasure-elect R. L. Campbell, who was to take over his duties on March 1.


Lovejoy and North Bench friends of the Ingol Hermansons gathered to wish them well at their new location at Overlook, Canada.


Interest was growing to a fever-heat among small boys in town who had entered dogs in Koke's annual dog race.


75 years ago

February 24, 1944

50th anniversary observed by Southwicks

Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Southwick were honored guests at an informal reception last Thursday afternoon and evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bernal Southwick, the occasion being their 50th wedding anniversary.

Mr. and Mrs. Southwick , who are among the pioneer residents of Phillips County, were married at Sumner, Wis., February 17, 1894. They have two children, Bernal of Malta, and Mrs. Charles Claypool of Dodson.

Five county girls are serving in Waves

Seventy-eight young women from northern Montana are now serving in the women's reserve of the Navy, C.P.O. Dan Colton, reports.

Young women from Phillips County who are serving in the Waves include Elizabeth and Barbara Martin of Saco; Laurece Larson of Saco; Shirley Mayberry, formerly of Malta, and Mildred McNutt Meharry of Malta.

Former Saco youth died on duty in Italy

Mrs. Belle Goldman of Centralia, Wash., received a telegram from the War Department that Sgt. Paul Goldman died January 23, in Italy with an illness while he was on duty for his country.

Sgt. Goldman enlisted as an airplane mechanic in August, 1940 , and has been overseas since May, 1943. He served in Tunisia, Sicily, and Italy. In his last letter he said he hardly got the grease washed off long enough to sleep. Sgt. Goldman was born near Saco, May 19, 1919.

Big drop shown in population of Montana

Montana's population declined 88,237 between April. 1940, and November 1, 1943, the Federal Census Bureau has estimated.

This decline, from 558,270 when the last census was taken, to 470,033 last November was a loss of 15.8-precent.

Fifty-four of Montanan's 56 counties, including Phillips County, lost population during the three-year period. Phillips County is one of 18 Montana counties to see declines of 20-percent or more.

Editor's Note: The state of Montana, as of 2019, has an estimated population of 1,074,167 and totaled 989,415 in the 2010 US Census. The population estimates for Phillips County as of July, 2018, totals 4,119 residents, down 3.2-percent since the 2010 US Census.

50 years ago

February 20, 1969

Clausen, McKeon named

Raymond E. Clausen of Malta was appointed to the State Fish and Game Commission last Friday by Governor Forrest Anderson. Clausen is a partner in the Clausen-Long Ford Agency in Malta and the owner of a petroleum bulk dealership.

Willis M. McKeon, Malta attorney, was appointed to the State Board of Institutions last Friday by Governor Anderson.

25 years ago

February 23, 1994

Street Talk

Question: If you were president, what would you do?

Drew Brewer: I would lower taxes and not have the Brady Bill.

Rachele Mavencamp: I would help all the homeless people and lower tax rates.

Katie Lister: I'd stop violence.

Dylan Bergos: I'd let some people have days off from school and their work.

10 years ago

February 21, 2009

Street Talk

Question: Who is the most famous person in the world?

Hope Biddix: It's Taylor Smith. He's a singer.

Macy Williamson: My mom and dad.

Bobby Dolphy: My brother. 'Cause he's cool.

Mariya Hofer: Santa Clause.


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