One Nation, Under God
January's Veteran's Holiday meal was super delicious and the approximately 65 attendees had a great time and some took home some door prizes which were purchased by the Post and Squadrons. The Malta Garage Sale at the VFW is scheduled for April 20th and larger/ valuable item locked storage is available now if needed. Contact Jay Southwick 390-2198, Vince Schmoekel 301-1040, Ken Ruzicka 654-7243 for transport/ help.
The spring meeting of District 2 will be held in Saco on March 30th. A partial display honoring the 100th Anniversary of the Legion will be presented and also quite a bit of info on all Veterans buried or from Phillips County will able to be looked at.
Squadron 57 of Malta and Squadron 79 of Saco are always looking for new members to help our Posts in Honor Guard duties and in supporting the communities in various projects. Eligibility in the Sons of the American Legion is open to any male descendants (or adopted ) of honorably discharged Veterans of the USA.
A spring project (it might not take off until 2020 ) we are
thing about (depending on legality and permission) is to dig up and level many sunken gravestones of older Veterans at the Malta Cemetery.
We might also install markers on those Veterans who originally had no markers. This will help smooth out the grass cutting operations. Thanks to those businesses and individuals who donated to the Son's Raffle items. The winners will be drawn at the Memorial Day meal on May 27th.
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