One Nation, Under God
100 years ago
January 17. 1919
George Robinson, "one of the youngest fighting men in the county" had returned home after having spent six months in the Marine Corps.
Clarence Flesche was back from overseas service with both service and wound stripes. He had been gassed in one of the big battles of the war.
Harry Cosner was appointed justice of the peace for Malta.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bentzin were the parents of a son. The father was with the 91st Division in France.
William Davidson had returned from army service. He had been stationed in New York.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Iver Lefdahl.
Al Sammons, Loring serviceman, was back from army duty Camp Dodge.
75 years ago
January 27, 1944
Jack Reynolds missing over Germany
Second Lieutenant Andrew M. "Jack" Reynolds, son of Mrs. Ted Wilson of Regina, has been reported missing in action since January while on mission to Germany, according to word received from the secretary of war.
Reynolds spent his last time with his mother about October 1, leaving at the time for an overseas destination. It is not known how many flights he had over enemy territory, but in a letter written the night before the flight from which he is reported missing he said, "I am on alert for a mission tomorrow. Must get some sleep. The night before is really the worst of it because we are pretty well keyed up.
"We have to contend with extreme cold, 40 to 50 below, oxygen system freezing or getting shot, props and superchargers freezing up, also fuel consumption in time and altitude, not to mention fighters and flag. We do not sleep well as we expect to be called early."
Reynolds was born in Malta on November 17, 1917. He attended rural schools and graduated from Malta High School with the Class of 1935.
Malta druggist has article on vet medicine
R. J. Losleben of the Valley Drug Company, is the author of an article entitled "Veterinary Pharmacy," published in the December Issue of the National Association of Retail Druggist's Journal.
Mr. Losleben deals with the importance of serving his livestock customers and of developing a veterinary supply business in areas where livestock is the principal industry.
50 years ago
January 23, 1969
Vital Statistics
Jan. 16: A son to Mrs. Adrian Tremblay of Wagner, six pounds and seven ounces.
Jan. 20 A son to Mrs. Bill McEwen of Malta, six pounds and 11.5 ounces.
Jan. 17: Roman J. Losleben, Sr., 67, of Malta.
James J. Reilly, 53, of Saco.
Jan. 18: Mrs. Earl (Rose M.) Lusbey, 81, of Malta.
Eaton install Toastmaster Officers
The new officers of the Malta Toastmasters Club for the current year are Fred Mavencamp, secretary treasurer; Lauren Bruckner, president; Lloyd Knudsen, educational vice president; Walt Haynes, administrative vice president, and Wayne Jacobs, sergeant-at-arms.
25 years ago
January 19, 1994
Bald eagles highlight Bowdoin annual Christmas bird count
Sixteen bald eagles along the Milk River north of Malta were a big surprise on the Bowdoin National Wildlife Refuge Christmas count held December 18. Normally, only one to six bald eagles are observed within the seven-and-a-half-mile radius count circle with its center at the refuge center.
The bald eagles included 12 adults with the white heads and tails, and four immature birds with dark heads and mottle bodies and wings.
Malta Junior High Math Contest winners
The winners of the Malta Junior High Math Contest where James Calk, Eric Maxie, Ryan LaBrie, Kirk Stiles, Jeremy Ottesen, Kristopher Huck, Mary Moore, Kim Wiederrick, Heather Bruckner, Pam Holman, Katie McKeon, Danielle Cebulski, Jacqueline Welch, Katie Mangis, Jennifer Martin, Shaylee Bebee, Barbie Waters, Valerie LaFond, and Beth Thompson who posted the best score in the contest.
10 years ago
January 21, 2009
Saco hosts regional BPA
conference for 170
Saco students who earned honors at the Region 8 Business Professionals of America Conference hosted by the school included Angie Crowder, Leah Minnerath, Justinn Marshall, Brittani Bergtoll, Annie DePuydt, Allyson Ride, Kayla Gairrett, Emili Crowder, George Streit, Tori Burnham, Randi Sunford, Jessie Davis, Kara Olson, Kim Olson, and Conner Pippin.
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