One Nation, Under God

The move is official

Apologies for the inappropriately placed opinion column and the disarray that is our new office, two doors down from the last spot, grand opening pending.

It is my opinion that things get done in Malta if you know who to ask…it is most likely a fact. It has been a few weeks since we announced we would be moving into the new digs, but a few snafus thwarted the progress. The furnace in the new office was the first snag. The thermostat in the office, sans working furnace, read 40-degrees though it was nearly 60 outside. Danny Paul at Farmers and Ranchers had the heat on 20 minutes after his arrival and the game was back in action. Next in the process was the internet and Triangle’s Drew Slade got the Wifi working and Kelly McCann – PCN tech guy and neighborhood “geek” – made sure the network in the office (the real brains of the outfit) was purring like a kitten.

In the process of the move, Todd’s Technology owners Dara and Eric Wilke were making some moves of their own. As we announced with the PCN move, the Wilkes have taken over the office supplies we used to sell and if you haven’t seen their new merchandise on their sales floor, do so. They did a wonderful job and the items are expertly displayed and look as though they have always been there.

The young adults from Malta High School’s weight lifting class — led by Patrick Sargent — helped moved the PCN into our office and helped the Wilke’s move the office supplies to their store. These students showed up at 8 a.m. and by 8:30 had all of our stuff moved two doors down and also had Todd’s Tech’s reams and reams of paper loaded and unloaded in a matter of minutes. If you need something moved, this group is your huckleberry, and they can expect a pizza party in their honor very soon.

Pierre, Deb, Evie and I are all squirreled away in our new office and though we don’t completely have things situated the way we would like, this week’s newspaper was mostly put together in the office and we are cooking with gas.

We are 99.9 percent sure that our old office has a new renter. There is a lot of cleaning that needs to be done there — years old plumbing supplies and newspaper crud needs to be tossed — but as soon as we are sure all systems are go for the new tenant, look for a story about that business in the pages of the PCN.

So, in conclusion, hopefully, things are somewhat back to normal as the PCN heads into the future…full steam ahead!

Thanks for reading and aloha.


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