One Nation, Under God

Whitewater News and Opinion for November 28, 2018

Sympathy to Howard Berg and family on the loss of their brother-in-law, Roger Fowler of Shelby, Mont.

Get well wishes to Shade Stiles, (formerly of Whitewater.) His folks are KayDel and Del Stiles.

There was a baby shower for baby Scott Lundon Obie at Whitewater Lutheran Church last Saturday. It was well attended and the baby got many gifts.

Lu Bessel went to Kalispell, Mont., to visit family.

Many folks will be traveling over this Thanksgiving weekend. Drive carefully, everyone.

Now, the Christmas Season is upon us. The TV Hallmark Christmas shows have been airing for a while and they are all wonderful. Many stores begin to advertise in October, however, many stores and businesses have gone out of business, especially in Havre, Mont. The K-Mart, Sears, and Herberger's are now vacant buildings and it is a sad thing to see. Part of the problem must be that the internet is taking over shopping. I still get my hard copy catalogs, but be leery of high-interest rates and expensive postage. I planned to send packages to family in Canada, but postage is more than I paid for the gifts! Anyway, let us all be thankful this holiday season.

Last week’s 60th wedding anniversary was celebrated by Bob and Pat Anderson.

Last week we had terrible wind and cold with a light snow. Now, it has warmed up here in Whitewater and most of the snow has melted. The weather is changeable, but we are all preparing for winter.

Some ranchers are hauling huge loads of hay yet.

Someone asked me “Do you still live in Whitewater and do you plan to stay there?” The answer is yes! I plant to stay in Whitewater, Montana because it is home!


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