One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for November 28, 2018

Wink and Terri Cole spent Thanksgiving at daughter Kathy's at Denton with their family and other family members.

Dean, Carol and Kari Kienenberger spent their Thanksgiving with daughter Darcy's family at Cut Bank.

Dora Henry went to Havre to celebrate Thanksgiving with Bill and Marilyn.

It was storming on Saturday when most of them came home, there would be places the road was dry, but from Chinook to Harlem it was snow covered and had black ice in some places. All traffic was traveling slower, and no one was trying to pass much. Then from Harlem, it was snowing pretty good.

Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving and were able to be with relatives and friends for a Happy Holiday.

Next Sunday is the first Sunday in Advent, taking us into the Christmas season.

Willard Mortenson's family came home to Dodson from Glasgow bringing dinner to him, so he did not have to be out on the roads.

Polly Solberg came home from Billings on Wednesday. While in Billings she had visited Tim and Heidi and family, Carl and Jan Solberg, Ralph and Sherrie Solberg, Ann Marie and Troy and Debbie Sjostrom. She had also seen an old college friend, Lorraine Hubert of Glasgow.

The "boil first" order has been lifted from Dodson's water which is a big relief.

Thanks to the Malta Lutheran Church who had Thanksgiving dinner for those alone or needed to have help in having a good Thanksgiving. Truly God's work in progress.

Birthday greetings are sent to all having a Birthday this week and anniversary wishes to anyone celebrating one now.

Retirement is like a long vacation in Vegas. The goal is to enjoy it to the fullest, but not so fully that you run out of money.

Cuddle a little closer and stay warm. Have a good week!


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