One Nation, Under God

Bowdoin Refuge announces late Season Upland Game Bird Opener and Youth Hunt

Attention hunters: This year the opening for upland game bird hunting in the eastern portion of the Refuge will be the first weekend in December for youth only in an effort to encourage youth hunting, and to the general public the first Monday (3 December 2018). The eastern portion of the refuge will open to upland gamebird hunting only, from 1 December 2018 to 1 January 2019 when the season closes. The first two days (1-2 December) of opening the eastern portion are designated for youth hunters aged 12-15 only. All youth must be accompanied by a non-hunting adult 18 years or older. The western portion of the refuge, which is normally open to hunting, will remain open to all hunters throughout the special season. The no hunting zone around the refuge headquarters and administrative area will remain closed.

All Refuge-specific regulations and State of Montana hunting regulations relating to upland game bird hunting apply. Refuge specific hunting regulations can be obtained at sign in or at the refuge headquarters. When hunting on Refuge lands hunters may only possess and use non-toxic shot and must wear at least one article of blaze orange clothing visible above the waist. Vehicle travel and parking is restricted to the Refuge auto tour route and along old Highway 2. Hunters are required to sign in and out each day at the hunter check station located in front of the headquarters building.

Bowdoin NWR is located 7 miles east of Malta, on old Highway 2. Maps and regulations are available at the Refuge Headquarters and hunter registration kiosk. Office hours are Monday-Friday, 7:30 am - 4:00 pm. For further information call us at 406-654-2863.


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