One Nation, Under God

Addressing letter about APR

Dear Editor,

In last week’s PCN Troy Blunt explained recent actions taken against his family by the American Prairie Reserve. According to Troy’s letter APR, in order to protect their private property rights, has denied access to approximately ¼ mile of their property used only to trail cattle. APR, as a private property owner, has every right to deny access (although for such an insignificant use this is not neighborly) but I find their rational distasteful. According to Troy’s letter the denial came because the Blunt family chose to exercise their first amendment right, as outlined in the US Constitution as well as the Montana Constitution, to free speech. Keeping in mind we just celebrated Veteran’s Day, to punish someone for exercising their right to free speech is a slap in the face to every currently serving U.S. soldier and every U.S. veteran who fought to protect this country, our democracy and our constitution. APR has also spit on the grave of every soldier who died for this country. How American is that?


Perri Jacobs


Sister and niece of U.S. military veterans


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