One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for October 31, 2018

We have enjoyed some more mild days and they are always appreciated. Usually, it is frosty in the mornings, but the winds and the sun have a good day by midmorning.

Terri Cole was in Glasgow to attend a schooling on mosquito spraying, cautions and effects and be certified again to spray for the town.

Dora Henry and Polly Solberg were in Havre for doctor's appointments and shopping on Wednesday, while there they visited Betty and Kathy Munson. Dora had tests done on Thursday.

Polly Solberg and friend Dianne from Hogeland went to Great Falls on Friday to visit her brother, Bert, for a few days and to watch his great grand-kids in an indoor swim meet.

Rob Bear was in town cleaning up some things before Halloween.

There was fundraising Bingo at the school on Sunday. There will be another one in a couple weeks.

Remember that this Sunday, November 4th is the last of Daylight Savings Time — set your clocks back one hour.

Lots of leaves around as trees finish shedding them for the winter.

Good to see Herman Dolphay feeling better and back for lunch at the Wapatau Center.

Lots of four-wheelers tearing around with several on board— hope there are no accidents--they sometimes appear out of alleys, etc. fast and unexpected.

Birthday greetings are sent to Richard Gilmore, Nora Weigand, Betty Mun-son, and Dora Henry.

It is better to cover a little and understand a lot than it is to cover a lot and understand a little.

Hats off to another good week.


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