One Nation, Under God

October Fest, Script kickoff on Oct. 25

Thursday, October 25, kicks off the holiday season for the Malta Merchants as the date marks Octoberfest and the Christmas Scrip Kickoff at 6 p.m.

The Parade of Lights will be held on Sunday, November 18.

Christmas Scrip is a form of currency that local banks, including The First State Bank, First Security Bank and Independence Bank allow patrons to borrow without interest for 10 months.

The currency can be used at any Malta Merchant that accepts Scrip.

Using Scrip keeps money in Phillips County and last year residents kept $281,770 within the county by participating in the Christmas Scrip program.

For years the Scrip Kickoff and Parade of Lights ran hand in hand, but this season, the Merchants pushed back the Parade of Lights by a few weeks, to focus on Octoberfest, an event that is chock full of activities, including a Soup Cook-Off, Scarecrow Decorating Contest, and Pumpkin Carving Contest.

“We decided that we wanted the Parade of Lights to be closer to Christmas, so we decided to have it on Sunday, November 18 with the Holly to Malta’s Jolly promotion, which is the first Christmas promotion,” Malta Chamber Director Ann Sautter told the PCN.

Moving the event back will also clear up yearly confusion amongst float builders.

“People didn’t know whether to make their floats for fall or Halloween or Christmas themed and the Parade of Lights in past years were always closer to Christmas,” Sautter said. “So, we decided that we would still try to have it in November, so the weather might be a little warmer.”

Line up for the parade in November will be at 4 p.m. at the Hi-Line Retirement Center, while the parade will kick off at 4:30 p.m.

“The stores are actually opened from 1 5 p.m., so by the time we leave the Hi-Line Retirement Center and come downtown, all of the stores will be closed, and they will see the Parade of Lights as well,” Sautter said.

As far as Octoberfest goes, this year the Soup-Cook Off will be held on the Stockman Terrace at 6 p.m. unless inclement weather occurs. If the weather becomes a factor the event will be moved inside of the Stockman Bar & Grill. The entry fee for the cook-off is $10 per team and the team will need to bring provide supplies and ingredients, including power chords, pots and pans.

The Merchants will provide power for cooking, and certain utensils for eating, as well as crackers and water. The first-place winner will be awarded a prize of $50 Dino Dollars.

The Scarecrow Decorating Contest will be held in Veteran’s Park on Front Street at 5:30 p.m. Merchants will provide poles to decorate. Each participant will need to provide their own decorations for their scarecrow entry. There will be prizes awarded to the top three entries. The contest is open to individuals and groups, but not businesses.

Patty Floral’s Annual Pumpkin Carving Contest will also occur on Thursday, October 25. Participants must bring their carved pumpkins to Patty’s Floral on the 25th. Prizes will be awarded. For more info contact Patty’s at 654-1951.

Businesses are encouraged to enter the Storefront Decorating Contest for the week of Octoberfest. Business can enlist the help of clubs like the Boys & Girls Club, Key Club, and FCCLA. On the night of Octoberfest, Thursday, October 25, customers will be given a ballot upon making a purchase within businesses around town. A trophy will be awarded to the best decorated business after the ballots are counted.

This year’s Malta Merchants Holiday Committee consists of Sautter, Karen Ellsworth, Mardy Demarais, Kaylee Williamson, and Julie Snellman.


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