One Nation, Under God
Sympathy to Pat and the family of Jim Murdock. Jim was a lifelong resident of the Whitewater community. He ranched north of Whitewater all his life. Jim will really be missed by all.
Sympathy to Lu Bessel and family of the loss of her sister, Anna Faye (Seaford) Simms. Anna Faye went to school in Whitewater years ago. She boarded with my family for a while. Lu said, “isn’t it weird that two friends (Jim and Anna Faye) should pass away on the same day?” Our sympathy to all the families.
Thank goodness all the boys in Thailand got out of the caves alive. It’s nice to finally hear some good news.
Back home in Whitewater, Jeanie Green’s grandchildren, Warren, from Miles City, Mont.; Kyra, from Kremlin and Sommer; and Rory visited for the weekend. They played the piano and sang with me. They really worked with the Green’s sheep as they are preparing for the Phillips County Fair.
Sunday, assistant pastor Rick Mikkelson preached at Whitewater Lutheran Church and did very well.
Two people from U.S. Sen. John Tester’s office in Glendive called me to invite me to the rally! In turn, I invited Sen. Tester and all members to Whitewater for a rally. Sen. Tester’s family farmed in Big Sandy, Mont., next to Curt Reichelt’s family. Curt and family farm east of Whitewater now.
If anyone has any news, call me at 674-5576 or drop me a line.
July 4 saw many from this area go to Nelson Reservoir, or to Fort Peck, or to Zortman. I watched the fireworks and they were spectacular.
Now the weather is really hot in Whitewater. It is typical summer weather. It is also time to start thinking about your Phillips County Fair exhibit entries.
See you at the fair and keep cool!
Helen A.
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