One Nation, Under God

Whitewater News and Opinion for June 27, 2018

Sympathy to the family of Don Buffington, including Sally Austin. Sally, Janice Reichelt, Joyce and Donavan went to Billings to attend the funeral. The Wauchula families and Buffingtons were in attendance, like a family reunion.

Many from the area attended the talent show in Malta. Congratulations to all the contestants.

Jeremiah Hoffman LaBrie, from Whitewater, was in the show demonstrating his quick work with Rubik's Cubes.

Many fans were at the car races in Malta and some of the winners were from Swift Current, Sask. (My daughter, Teresa, lives there.)

Linda Berg went to Billings for medical appointments.

Saturday, I went rummage sailing with Lloyd. The sales in summer are fun. I like “one man’s junk is another man’s treasure.” I should have a rummage sale.

The town of Whitewater (myself included) thank the mowers and landscapers who make our town look lovely. Among them are the Hellies and Steve Young.

Dallas Green’s family went to Miles City in late May to attend a graduation and to visit.

Someone in Whitewater has a rooster that wakes me up. Sometimes, it crows at odd times.

Some children and adults drive around town in golf carts. It looks fun, but please be careful.

Take care and have fun.

Helen Austin


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