One Nation, Under God

Whitewater News and Opinion for May 23, 2018

Sympathy to the wife and family of Randy Skinner. He was a carpenter and worked in the Whitewater area.

Whitewater Lutheran Church was full on Mother’s Day. Hannah Hanley was baptized and confirmed in church and her family and friends attended. Following service, most people went to dinner at the North 40 for Mother’s Day specials.

Special thanks to the school children (including the Green children) for cleaning yards in Whitewater and to Steve Young and the Hellies for mowing. It all looks very nice. Welcome back and “hello” to Fred Allery Sr., and family, Marlene Doney, and her grandson. They all reside at the Allery Ranch between the Austin Ranch and the Youth Ranch, on Whitewater Creek.

Recently, I rode from Malta with my nephew Calvin Reichelt and had a nice visit. Calvin’s girlfriend in an actress in an upcoming rendition of Cabaret at the Fort Peck Summer Theatre. (I love the theatres.)

Again, congratulations to all graduates. Good luck in the future. More about graduates next week. If you have any news, call me at 674-5576 or write me.

Memorial Day is near. Don’t forget to place flowers on graves or flags for veterans. (I plan to visit the family graves).

It was another beautiful day here in Whitewater. The sun rose with a real blaze of glory! The day was about 60 above! Thank goodness it is not 60-below like this past winter!

Happy Spring!


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