One Nation, Under God

Whitewater News and Opinion for May 9, 201816

Sympathy to all flood victims, especially in western Montana.

Sympathy to the Dale Freitag family. He was a house-mover. His son, Mike, worked for ranches in Whitewater recently.

Scott, Laramie, and Cody Scheffelmear traveled to Oklahoma for the funeral of Scott’s brother, Clay. Sympathy to them.

The Swift Fox project being conducted by Clemson University has two workers here in Whitewater. They are Keifer Titus and Maddy Jackson. I am sorry to hear that Maddy is leaving so soon. I play music with them as he plays guitar and she sings and plays piano. Fun.

Whitewater and Saco Schools had wonderful concerts (I attended both.) It is hard to believe that this is my granddaughter, Challise, is in her final year of high school. Graduation in Saco is on Saturday, May 19.

Whitewater’s graduation is on Friday, May 18. Congratulations to all graduates and good luck in the future.

There was a track meet in Whitewater last week and many teams from all different towns participating. Whitewater athletes did very well. The school sold hamburgers near the track. I visited with ladies from Turner and we remembered that there used to be a little train going through Whitewater and Turner to Hogeland. The train ran by where the track is for the athletes now. Did it stop running in 1986?

Farming is in full swing everywhere. Good luck to all farmers and ranchers.

Happy birthday to all May birthdays, including my daughter Sheila in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.


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