One Nation, Under God

Three candidates vie for commissioner position

On Tuesday, June 5, the primary election will be held in Montana. In Phillips County, there are three Republican candidates running for the Phillips County Commissioner Republican nomination on the November ballot. The commissioner position is currently held by Bruce Christofferson who is seeking reelection. The challengers in the Republican County Commissioner primary are Darla Niebur and Randy Shores.

What follows are the same four questions posed to each candidate, answered in their own words, edited only for typos and style, and listed alphabetically by last name. There are no Democratic candidates on the primary ballot.

NAME: Bruce Christofferson

Tell us about yourself.

Hello, my name is Bruce Christofferson and I am running for reelection to Phillips County Commissioner in District B.

I was born and raised in Malta, have been a farmer and rancher all my life, raising small grains and registered Black Angus cattle. I am a third-generation rancher and farmer. My Grandfather homesteaded here in 1913, and we are still on the same farm 105 years later. I was a mechanic and equipment operator in two local businesses for 23 years. I have had a fence contracting business since 2005. I have been married to my wife Barbara for 34 years, I have four grown children Brianna, Justin, Carlee, and Kameron, and four grandchildren, and soon to be five. God has truly blessed me.

What is your motivation for running for office?

My motivation has always been to make a difference in my family and those around me, and in the place, I live. I feel it is better to try and improve things instead of concentrate on how bad things are and do nothing to change them. It is always more difficult to step up and take a stand and try to make a difference.

What issues concern you in the position you are running for?

There are several issues of concern. Declining revenue in the recent years has led to budget cuts while trying to maintain services to the public. In the last couple years, we have cut nearly $1 million of county operating budgets, and all the while expenses are increasing. The condition of our roads and bridges is a struggle to improve or maintain when less than 1-percent of rural taxes go to repair the county roads. Roads are what impacts each of us on a daily basis, and we need to continue to repair and improve our aging infrastructure.

Another concern is the economic damage being done by large nonprofit organizations buying up large tracts of land and thus removing the cash flow thru our county and our town stores who are trying to survive. When we remove working farms and ranches our economy suffers immensely. This is one of those issues that people don't concern themselves with unless it is in their own backyard. It is here and very much an issue to be concerned over.

We also have a drug problem in our county. Although we are very fortunate to have several people who work with our youth to prevent this, it is also an adult problem as well, and it continues to be an issue. We have excellent law enforcement personnel, but they need our assistance to combat this problem. They are also short of personnel because of budget concerns.

What skills or attributes make you a good candidate for the position?

I believe the skills I bring to this job include, thinking outside the box in terms of finding solutions to the changing daily issues, my desire to listen and to serve the people of Phillips County. I believe my previous term has given me valuable experience and insight into the future struggles the county appears to be headed into. I am up to the challenge. I would appreciate your vote of support on June 5.

NAME: Darla Niebur

Tell us about yourself.

My motivation for running for county commissioner is because it would be a great new challenge for me.

I'm excited to learn to learn all the many laws and regulations from the State, County. And City and how our country functions.

I'm eager to see how I can make out community better, working with the employees and community. Working as a team is a success in my world.

I'm a very persistent person! "Let's Ger "R" Done."

What is your motivation for running for office?

I want to work with the City to make our community a better place.

Try to keep the money in our community to help our small town stay alive!

Road infrastructure; our ways of getting to and from the farm and ranch.

Last but not least, keep the buffalo from walking the streets of Malta!

What issues concern you in the position you are running for?

I come from a great work ethic my dad is 84 and my mom is 80 and are still working, they are my heroes.

I owned and operated the Mint Bar for 16 years, getting a psychology degree; just no certificate to show.

I owned 3 Sisters for five years, greeting the public with a smile on their face with coffee.

I was a great boss to all my employees which are still my good friends to this day. Working with and beside your employees makes great success.

I've been a 4-H leader for nine years, teaching kids that 4-H moto (head, heart, hands, and health.) It's a great program.

I bring a great work ethic, colorful personality with a fun twist as well as a smile on my face and an open ear.

What skills or attributes make you a good candidate for the position?

Being county commissioner will have my full attention and if I don't know the answer, I will find someday who does.

I'd appreciate your vote in the primary election.

NAME: Randy Shores

Tell us about yourself.

My name is Randy Shores. I was born in Malta and grew up on our home ranch 47 miles south of Malta. This was a homestead of my great grandfather Charlie from 1911. My grandpa was Earl Shores and my dad is Ray. I am a 4th generation Phillips County resident. I have a daughter and a son and two step daughters. I also have five grandchildren. I am married to my wife, Mary Shores, since 2003.

I went to a one room country school through the 8th grade. I then went to high school in Malta graduation in 1977. I went to trade school for two years after which I returned home and started my business career. I owned and operated Randy's Machine Shop for nearly 35 years then sold my business in 2015. I still own a scrap yard and help my wife with her antique business. I have several home rental properties and also do seamless rain gutters and carpentry work on the side.

What is your motivation for running for office?

My motivation is powered by my desire to help people with concerns and problems like I did in my years of business in my shop. People learned to trust me and let me fix whatever was needed to get them going again. I didn't always have all the answers but I managed to do my best to make them happy whenever I could. I miss the contact I had with my customers and this job would allow me to help the good people of Phillips County again.

What issues concern you in the position you are running for?

Most conversations around the county either start or end with a topic of roads. Mother nature is cruel and very hard on our roads. It seems that it is by far the biggest concern to our rural folks. It's hard to say we will fix a road when it won't stay fixed very long even with continued maintenance and repair. I hope to do all I can to address this and any other concerns my residents might have. I've always had an open ear, also I won't forget about the people living in the city limits because they are county residents too.

What skills or attributes make you a good candidate for the position?

I ran my business for over 30 years. Taking care of employee issues and caring for them and their families was very important to me. I learned how to get the best out of my employees and keep a happy work environment. I taught lots of people how to work and be productive. I have always been a perfectionist and strive to do my best in whatever I do. Therefore, I take every job very seriously, as I would this this commissioner job.

Some people have asked me if I will have enough time to do this job. Yes, I will give lots of time to this job. My days are very busy because I like to work, and I will take on less to be sure there is priority in this position. There are lots of hours in a day for my work habits and I am long on ambition. The busiest guys always get the most done. I want to be a good servant to my residents. Thank all of you for your awesome support.


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