One Nation, Under God
Hi! Back again after missing last week. Sorry. Steve and Judy Henry came and picked Eldora up on Wednesday to go to Laurel where she visited them and daughter Cheryl.
On Friday Bill and Marilyn Henry flew in from New York where Bill had bowled in the nationals. On Saturday Bill, Marilyn and Eldora went to Whitehall to help her granddaughter Kristi Wilson celebrate graduating with a degree in Early Childhood Education with Honors from UM-Western.
On Sunday they attended the First Communion of great-granddaughter Kortni Wilson in Whitehall, followed by a reception held at the Wilson home. Kortni enjoyed a total of eight grand and great-grandparents there. Bill brought Eldora home on Monday.
We had a nice rain for Wednesday night and Thursday — in other places they continued to have rain and colder weather for several days.
Congratulations to valedictorian David Jaynes and salutatorian Tobias Jones at the Dodson School.
Days are counting down now to the end of school! Hardly seems that long since we were battling deep snow and piles of snow everywhere. It is nice to see all the green around everywhere and flowers blooming and the fruit trees in full bloom.
It was nice to have several guests at the Lutheran Church on Sunday and nice to see Joe and Ruby Butterweck again.
Birthday greetings are sent to all having a birthday this first half of May, special greetings to John Wilke, Bonnie LaBrie, Myrna Williamson, Mark Pankratz, Connie Wilkes, Dolores Campbell and Rob Williamson. Anniversary greetings to Charlie and Cheryl Weaver.
Mayor Cole has been busy with the open meeting for the Town concerning water and sewer problems and looking for a possible solution. This winter was hard on both systems and a lot of money was spent on broken pipes.
Hope all the Mothers enjoyed a wonderful Mother's Day on Sunday and were waited on by all their families.
Children are the hands by which we take hold of Heaven.
Enjoy the week!!
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