One Nation, Under God

Montana Masons make donation to Saco Schools

This year, Joyce Erickson, Librarian Assistant at Saco Public Schools applied for and received a grant to purchase library books to allow students Grade 2-8, from the Montana Masonic Foundation. The grant gives Saco Public School the ability to have books available for science fair projects and reports.

The Montana Masonic Foundation is a charity established by Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Montana. The charity has a strong commitment to funding grants for public schools. Categories schools can apply for grants include: Music, Arts/Drama, Libraries, and Science. Each school is sent an application packet at the beginning of each year.

"Our sincerest thank you is extended to the Montana Masons for their generous grant of $2000.00 awarded to Saco Public School library.," Erikson said.

Erickson added that students will benefit extensively in their research projects with the books of updated material to our nonfiction section. Grades 2nd -8th participate in Science Fair each year and work diligently to prepare projects and reports that will be presented for judging in March. We are extremely happy, because of your generous grant, to have the opportunity to be able to offer new material for our students.


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