One Nation, Under God

Eastern Star News for May 2, 2018

The Montana Order of Eastern Star Homecoming for Worthy Grand Matron Margie Matovich and Worthy Grand Patron Butch Damuth was held on Saturday, April 21st. The Masonic Lodge in Billings was decorated with an M&M and a Western theme in honor of WGM Matovich and WGP Damuth.

WGM Matovich has dual membership with the Grass Range Anna Smalley Chapter #112 and the Malta Sacajawea Chapter #37. Damuth holds membership at Manhattan Sweet Briar Chapter #49. Worthy Matron Debbie Ernst of Sweet Briar #49 led the Homecoming with assistance from WM Sarah Osmundson of Sacajawea #37 and WM Mary Lynn Edwards of Anna Smalley #112. Secretary Jenny Oxarart of Sacajawea #37 was on the Banquet Committee and received reservations for over 85 members and guests.

WM Sarah Osmundson, WP Russell Osmundson and Sec. Jenny Oxarart of Sacajawea #37 had WGM Matovich and WGP Damuth along with three other contestants race in a game of Star Wars. The contestants raced down a track one square at a time according to the number on the die rolled by the audience. It was a crowd-pleasing competition and the winner received an OES coffee mug and Starbucks card. Anna Smalley played a version of cash cab by the “Boot M&M” cab company in which R. Osmundson was a contestant and received a bag of mixed M&M’s. Sweet Briar had a skit with woman stick pony riders searching for their cowboy WGP Damuth. There were skits on a bad OES meeting, almost Hee Haw and a sing-a-long performed all with many laughs shared.

Sacajawea #37 members presented WGM Matovich and WGP Damuth each an OES garden stone and a monetary donation to their special charities of Montana Service Dogs and the Children’s Shrine Hospital.


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