One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for April 25, 2018

We have exchanged all the snow we had for bare ground and lots of water in the outlying areas. Dodson itself is getting quite dry, it is surprising how fast the snow disappeared with a few warm days with the sun and wind. The river is full and over its banks in places, and Harlem and Chinook are flooding or surrounded by water. Dodson Creek is backing up toward Dodson as the river is too full to take it.

Water was going over Highway 2 near the Old Pink Church on the reservation for several days and it was quite deep but traffic was going through.

Polly Solberg and Tammy Voise were in Havre on Monday.

Dean and Carol Kienenberger came home on Monday after being in Great Falls for her brother, Joe, who passed away Monday, after his stroke. Condolences are sent to their family.

Sympathy is sent to the Sandvick family in the loss of their father, Harold.

Polly Solberg went to Ismay on Thursday to visit son Nathan and family.

Dora Henry was in Havre on Thursday for medical care.

We can still do everything we used to do, but not until tomorrow.

Have a good week and enjoy the sun and warmth.


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