One Nation, Under God

Whitewater News and Opinion for March 28, 2018

"Hello" and "Get Well" to Nancy Young, Steve Young's sister in Florida.

Congratulations to Connie Wisher who was married in South Carolina. I did not get her married name yet. Pastor Wisher and the rest of the family will return to Whitewater soon.

Late Happy Birthday to Pastor Bob Nagy; also Jessie Simonson. Happy Birthday to Helen DePuydt and Kalvin Reichelt. Kalvin left the Austin ranch for a short vacation to celebrate his birthday. Hope you had fun, Kalvin.

Gale (my daughter) and I went to Sleeping Buffalo to swim. I sat in the hot tub. We met John and Janice Roberts and had a nice visit. John is a retired school superintendent and now writing books! Janice has been a piano teacher for many years. They have five children who they have been visiting. They talked of their journeys. It was good to see them; we lived on the same block in Malta years ago.

Hello to Chandler Pippin of Saco and Challise Young (my granddaughter) on going to prom together!

Many ranchers have begun calving in spite of our cold weather and snow. Sympathy to cowboys, baby calves and lambs. When I grew up, most ranchers did not calve or lamb until as late as May, when weather was warmer.

Well, today is the first day of Spring! In Whitewater, we still have snow but it is warmer and some birds have arrived. Easter is early, April 1st. Dye some eggs. Go to church. Happy Easter to all!

~Helen Austin


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