One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for February 28, 2018

Record-breaking low temperatures for these days are still keeping us bundled up and wishing for spring.

Huge piles of snow are everywhere but some people are looking into hauling some away to avoid that much water if it ever does start to melt.

Bonnie Lankford and Terri Cole started a Bible study for Lent on Tuesday and were joined by a few Lutheran ladies.

Dora Henry went to Havre on Friday and joined family members from Whitehall, Havre, Great Falls, and Belgrade to enjoy the Little Squirt State Hockey tournament. One of Dora's great-grandsons, Keith Wilson, skated on one of the Butte teams. These skaters are age 10 and under. Daughter, Teri Leys of Belgrade brought Dora home on Sunday after the morning games. The wind was blowing the snow and it was storming in Havre when they left.

Happy Birthday greetings to all having a Birthday this week!

Taking the time to help your child — no matter what the task — can change their world — and yours.

Have a good week — March is almost upon us.


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