One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for February 14, 2018

Dodson has almost closed down tight as the very severe cold hangs in and everyone stays pretty well inside. Last Friday morning saw 36 degrees below and we received several inches of new snow on top of the two feet we already had which nobody was happy about. We had another big water break on the west side of town which was repaired in the extreme cold by Malta Ready Mix but it took several days, causing the closing of the school and the canceling of the basketball game which was a disappointment as it was Senior night and big things were planned.

There was no meal at the Wapatau Center as they were snowed in from blowing snow after being plowed out. Both Churches were able to hold services again on Sunday. If the weather permits Ash Wednesday services at the Lutheran Church will be at 6:00 PM to start the Lenten season.

The new townsman has been busy plowing the streets every day but it is hard to stay ahead of the snow and they are running out of places to push it. Piles and banks are everywhere. Not only in Dodson but all along the Hi-Line.

Monday morning we woke to fog and snow and temperatures again in the below zeros ranging between 36 & 40 below depending on who you spoke to.

Monday morning also showed no buses running in Malta and Saco and the Dodson School still closed.

Condolences are sent to Lana Ulrick, the Fortin and Campbell, and Grant and Pekovitch families in the passing of mother LaVonne Compton..She was a great lady and around Malta for a long time, well known by many.

Also condolences to the Siegle family in the loss of their mother Anita. They were in the Ben Franklin store for years and their son, Doug, taught at the Dodson school.

Dora Henry received word she has a new great-grandson, Declan Ernest James, born in Virginia. This makes 24 great-grandchildren for Dora.

Birthday greetings are sent to everyone having a birthday in this cold week, with special greetings to Cathy Weigand, Jerry Lankford, Bruce Kienenberger and Bobby Cole.

I don't make plans because life is short and unpredictable ---much like the weather.

Stay safe---stay warm---spring has to be someplace! Have a good one.


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