One Nation, Under God

Dodson School Students of the Month for December

Dodson School is pleased to announce the Students of the Month for December of the 2017-18 school year.

Kindergarten: Jett Doney is an excellent leader. He excels in his school work. Jett is a good character and influence in his class.

Grade 1: Telissa Yarlott always tries hard, completes work, always a positive attitude and a smile on her face.

Grade 2 / 3: Emmikka Stiffarm is a focused student who strives to do her best. She follows directions and has exceptional behavior. She is a positive presence in the classroom and has a desire to learn!

Grade 4: Jazlyn Flansburg is a kind friend to everyone. She works hard in all of her subjects. She loves to create in Art class. She loves playing basketball with her friends. Congratulations Jazlyn, you are a talented, terrific, student!

Grade 5: Jamie Campbell has been getting her work in on time and being responsible for the placement of all of her work. She has been giving her best effort and is always willing to help. Being the only girl in the classroom, she holds her own and helps keep the boys in line. Her happy-go-lucky spirit is a wonderful addition to the classroom.

Grade 6: Kataya Flansburg has shown great positive exemplary character in and out of the classroom.

Grade 7: Jean Jackson is always on task and is always willing to do more. She follows directions well, is never disruptive, and is always respectful.

Ithay Heck had the highest grade on finals.

Emma Cole because she didn't just read the book I assigned; she tried her best to connect with it and to complete her assignments correctly. She is always respectful and quiet, which is much appreciated.

Grade 8: K'Dee Campbell by far has the best understanding in Math. She has a positive attitude and finishes her homework and turn it in promptly.

Grade 9: Sophia Hebert had to take finals early with no whining and did well. In High School Music, she is always reliable, responsible and stepped out of her comfort zone on her own!

Ireland Best hands in stellar homework. It is always neat, completed, and answered with A+ answers. She is always on task, never disruptive, and always respectful. She quietly completes her work and does what she is supposed to do right away. She is a model student for how students should enter and complete work in my class.

Grade 10: Christina Jaynes has a good attention and understands material. She listens to directions the first time. She utilizes class time wisely and asks for help when she needs it.

Grade 11: Caleb Ditmar had a good final.

Shania KillEagle completes assignments ahead of time. She is always respectful and on time.

Grade 12: Tobias Jones because he works so carefully on his work. When he is assigned homework, he gets it done the same day and turns it in by 7th period. He also has a positive attitude at all times.

Les Jones goes above and beyond to be helpful to all staff and students. He is a great go to for help around the school. He is always willing and never complains.

Marty Lonebear is very respectful and does his assignments on time and to the best of his abilities each time. Despite adversity, he has already taken steps to make and obtain commendable life goals. He is an all-around amazing student.


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