One Nation, Under God

Memories for the Week of November 15, 2017

Editor's Note: Last week's Memories were inadvertently run a week early. These Memories are what was supposed to be printed. Back to normal next week.

100 years ago

November 8, 1917

A hard time dance was advertised in the following way: Hard time social and ball. There will be fines imposed for spooning, flirting, ragging, not dancing, talking back to the judges, wearing good clothes, spitting on the ceiling, kissing. Prizes will be given for the most poverty looking person, the man with the largest feet, best lady gum chewer, the most awkward couple on the floor, and the best old fashion dancers.


Students have been helping in the harvest fields in Montana. The University of Montana students helped harvest 3,000 sacks of potatoes.


The Sugar Bowl Candy Co. at Havre is making preparations to open a branch store in Malta about Nov. 15.

75 years ago

November 5, 1942

Lee Pancake killed in action

The Navy department has advised Mr. and Mrs. George W. Pancake, Malta, that their son, Lieutenant-Commander Lee Pancake, United States Navy, was killed in action in the performance of his duty and in the service of his country and was buried at sea.

Lee was the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Pancake and was born April 24, 1907 at Kramer, N.D. He came to Montana when he was six-years-old and lived on a ranch in Phillips County with his parents. He attended rural schools and the high schools of Dodson and Malta, graduating with the class of 1925.

In 1926 Lee joined the Navy and through competitive examination was admitted to the United States Naval Academy in 1927, graduating in 1931 as a commissioned ensign.

On Feb. 22, 1939, he married Miss Sarah Ann Schardt of Cumberland, Ind., at the Naval Academy chapel at Annapolis. Besides his widow, he leaves to mourn in his passing his parents, three sisters, Mrs. G.F. Richardson, Mrs. Carl Veseth of Malta and Mrs. Rudy Erickson of Saco, and four brothers, Leslie G. and James of Redding, Calif., Stanley of Wagner and Richard of Malta.

Lieutenant-Commander Lee Pancake received his last commission in August of last year while on service in the Pacific area. He was serving as executive officer on the squadron commanders staff.

Poultry feathers are needed for wartime sleeping bags

That the saving of poultry feathers is an important wartime conservations measure, is revealed in a letter Harriette E. Cushman, extension poultry specialist at Montana State College, received from feather buying firm in Seattle.

Government ceiling prices is 5¢ a pound for colored chicken body feathers, dry and without any long feathers. White chicken feathers, dry, without and long feathers, bring from 8 to 10¢ a pound.

Mustangs win fourth district title

Malta Mustangs won the district championship by defeating Fort Benton 32-0 in a game played there last Friday afternoon. This is the fourth consecutive year the Mustangs have won the championship game with the winner of this week's game between Conrad and Browning.

50 years ago

November 9, 1967

Individual awards were given to 134

4-H Club youth at their annual achievement night held at the City Hall, and awards were presented to seven clubs in the various project area of 4-H. Of the 315 youngsters who enrolled in the 1966-67 club year, 286 completed their requirements for membership.

Dodson High School lists honor students

Frank Bushy top the Dodson High School honor roll for the first nine weeks with a 4.0 average. Kathy Newby and Dana Munson had averages of 3.5; Marueen Holman, Lynne Fleming and Daryl Munson had 3.25; and with a 3.0 average were Cathy Linder, Linda Licht, Terry Munson, Sandy Bushy, Randy Pancake, Ralph Solberg and Randy Wilke.

From the Newsfiles: 25 years ago (1942)

After having his boat sunk and spending three days adrift, Melvin Spraggins, seaman first class, from Telegraph Creek, was granted furlough to come home for 14 days.

25 years ago

November 18, 1992

Health Care fundraiser nets about $30,000 for foundation

Nine months of work and planning came to a successful conclusion Saturday night when the first and possibly annual Phillips County Health Care Fundraiser culminated with over $36,000 in funds.

Merchants plan 'big bang' for the holiday season

Fireworks and Thanksgiving don't normally go together but this year the Malta Merchants Committee plan to kick off the holiday season with a big bang as at 5 p.m. a fireworks display is scheduled to light up the winter sky. The local fire department will be lighting the fireworks which should be seen from the downtown area.

10 years ago

November 14, 2007

Malta council seat race tie goes to mandatory recount

An official canvass of the votes by county commissioners Tuesday afternoon left the Malta City Council race in Ward I still deadlocked.

Incumbent William Crowder and challenger Dan Waters each polled 126 votes in last week's municipal election.

The deadlocked race now goes to a mandatory recount which will be conducted on Thursday at 4 p.m. at the County Commissioner chambers at the Phillips County Courthouse. If the tie persists, the governing body (the City) shall appoint one of the candidates to fill the seat.


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