One Nation, Under God

Memories for week of November 1, 2017

100 years ago

November 1, 1917

Cards have been received in Malta announcing the marriage of Emanuel Sklower to Ms. Rose Sternglanz of New York City. The wedding occurred on Saturday, Oct. 20.


The Malta Woman's Club met at the home of Mrs. Elliot. Mrs. Ray Campbell, VP, called the meeting to order. The club voted on buying Liberty Bonds. Saturday, being the last day of the sale, they have ordered $100 worth.


Railway tickets come under the new federal war tax today. When our friends Henry Kohr and Claude Moore come up from Strater now on they will have to give the conductor a two-cent stamp besides the two dimes they usually dig up for their fare. The new tax requires an eight percent donation from all purchasers of tickets.


All restaurant and hotel men of this county have agreed to regard the new food conservation act. Every restaurant and hotel man in the county has signed the agreement that they will serve no meat, bread or wheat biscuits on Sunday, no sugar on Tuesday and on Friday they will serve no beef, veal, mutton, pork, sausage, ham or bacon.


Second Liberty Bond issue was easily floated in Phillips County. The county raised about $152,000.

Editor's note: $152,000.00 in 1917 has the same buying power as $2,764,362.07 in 2017, according to the CPI Inflation Calculator.

75 years ago

October 29, 1942

Scrap drive over 400-ton mark

The last report from Lochiel Edwards, county salvage chairmen, is that 416 tons of scrap have been collected in Phillips County since July 1, with 458,933 pounds of this coming since Sept. 1. This will average about 93 pounds per person for the county.

Edwards also explained that many people are still confused about the price of scrap. He emphasized the fact that any scrap consisting of 50 percent cast iron and 50 percent steel that is hauled into town by the individual who wants to sell it, he may obtain $8 a ton. This is the price set by the government. However, if it is picked up by the WPA trucks only $4 per ton will be paid.

Dodson News

The Community Ladies Aid will serve a candidate dinner on Sunday, November 1, in the church basement. Fried chicken and all the good things which go with it is on the menu. It will be a good place to meet your friends and neighbors.

The beet dump loaded frozen beets this week for the first time this year. This is the latest date that the first frozen beets have ever been loaded as in past years the beets have been frozen in September.

On Sale at Safeway

Apples: 20 lb box, $1.19

Celery: 10¢ per lb.

Radishes or Green Onions: 3 bchs. 10¢.

Cabbage: 2¢ per pound.

Carrots: 3 bunches, 14¢.

50 years ago

November 2, 1967

Clarence Simpson injured by tractor

Clarence Simpson was injured Tuesday morning when his foot was caught in the power takeoff of a tractor. Simpson was baling straw at his farm in the Bowdoin community when the accident occurred. He managed to free his foot and got into his pickup and drove to the home of his uncle, Leslie Simpson, for help. Larry Simpson drove his brother to Glasgow where he will probably be hospitalized for about three weeks for skin grafting on his foot and the lower part of his leg.

Congratulations Kids!

The Phillips County News, in the name of all the people of Malta, would like to take this opportunity to thank the young people of Malta for their fine conduct on Halloween. As far as we know there was no damage or vandalism of any sort, and for this you young people have a right to be proud.

The progress in one year from the terrible situation of last year to a year completely devoid of incidents of any kind is a tremendous accomplishment and the city officials, businessmen and citizens and homeowners are proud of you.

25 years ago

November 11, 1992

Street Talk

Question: How do you think your lifestyle will change during a Clinton Administration?

Thelma Walsh: I think it will change for the better.

Wayne Ebey: I don't think it will change much.

Billie Waggoner: I hope for the better.

Melvin Kjos: I don't think there will be any changes.

Quick action stopped car thief

Bravo Malta again! I made the stupid mistake of leaving my keys in my vehicle the other night. Two young ladies happened to see a strange man get into my outfit and drive away.

The young ladies found me, quickly, I might add. I called the Sheriff's department and reported my vehicle as stolen. The officers had my vehicle apprehended in no more than five minutes. Super job!

It's good to know that people in this community care about each other. I'm proud to be a citizen of Malta and Phillips County.

Lyle Mahyew,


10 years ago

November 7, 2007

Municipal Election Results: Malta Race Tied

A recount or a coin toss or something will have to break a tie in Ward 1. Incumbent William Crowder Republican, and Daniel Waters, an Independent, each ended up with 126 votes in unofficial election results Tuesday night.

Street Talk

Question: Veteran's Day is November 11. What would you like to say to American Veterans?

Christy Tremblay: Thank you and God Bless.

Hal Deboer: Thank you for your service and sacrifices for us. God Bless America.

Carol Doney: You're doing a good job. Hope you all come home soon.

Pat Engen: Thank you for serving our country.


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