One Nation, Under God

Taking a stand

Dear Editor,

As a member of the silent majority, a person who Obama said clings to my guns and my religion, the time has come for all of us in the silent majority to make public our views. This article focuses on the NFL situation kneeling during the presentation of our flag and our National Anthem. These millionaire football players are living the American Dream with an average salary of 2.2 million a year. Before a game over in England, they had the Gaul to kneel during our National Anthem and stand during the playing of God Save the Queen. AS a proud father of an American soldier who would fight and die for this county and it’s flag, they are disrespecting this great nation and all that serve her. They claim this is free speech, and that gives them the right to kneel. “Bull-oney!” This is a workplace situation. They are employees and as such do not have the right to any free speech they wish. I ran a business for over 20 years, and if any of my employees made statements or gestures that were harmful to my business, I would have fired them immediately. See how long you would last as an employee if you made derogatory remarks that puts your employers business at risk. There are times and placed for distention but not during the unfurling of our flag or the playing of our National Anthem. They left is always claiming a higher moral authority. Any group who agrees with and pushes abortion because it is a women’s right, has lost all moral authority with me.

Respectfully submitted,

Donnie Lynn



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