One Nation, Under God

Loring News for October 18, 2017

I saw a gopher on my way home on the cut across this week! I thought they were all tucked in for the winter, but this one was still quite active! The wind blew all the leaves off my cottonwood, but

my other trees have lots of leaves! We've had a few beautiful fall days this week.

The North Country Mavericks played their last game for this season at Whitewater gym. The visiting team was the Harlem Wildcats. I was impressed at the skills the girls have! Many long volleys! The junior high is already playing basketball and the high school boys are footballing with the Mustangs! Three sports at the same time! Oof dah!

I had a chance to visit with Carol and Hubie Simanton on Saturday! They look great! So fun to catch up with friends I haven't seen in a year and a half! I attended the Big Flat meeting also. So many prizes given away. And yours truly was a recipient of a pork bundle! I'm so thankful! The Loring Hall won a big picnic cooler. That was awesome also! The President of the board commented that the people were there for the prizes, which is true in my case. But I did like the talk about the Big Flat Co-op in Turner and the talk by Chris DePuydt on his trip to Washington DC. The other talks were informative.

Just before sunup around 6 a.m. or so, look to the east and check out the sliver of the moon, Venus, and Mars! The moon is the second brightest object in the sky and Venus is third! Mars is faintly seen because it is on the far side of the sun in its revolution.

Many calves are being shipped out. The cows are conditioned and ready for the winter, we hope! Have a great week!


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