One Nation, Under God

Should I plant winter wheat?

Extension Agent asks around about upcoming planting

Should I plant winter wheat?

In talking with Montana State University Extension's Cropping Systems Specialist, Dr. Kent McVay, I asked about planting winter wheat. If recent moisture was an inch, that would allow for germination and plant growth since we are expecting moderate fall temperatures. If the plant has enough water to germinate but not grow (<1"), the plant will become stressed and winterkill will significantly damage stands. Seed treatment will allow for a two-week window for protection against seed-borne diseases including smuts and bunts as well as soil-borne diseases causing root rot and damping off, which affect stand establishment.

Dr. Mary Burrows, Montana State Pathology Specialist recommends producers look at this link from Kansas State for up to date seed treatment fungicide efficacy information ,. Dry seed decay can be a problem when there is not enough moisture for the germinated seedling to grow, and efficacy data can be found in the MontGuide

If you have not had an inch of rain, maybe just pray for rain.


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