One Nation, Under God

Memories for the Week of October 4, 2017

100 years ago

October 4, 1917

The Montana Record Herald carried the following article in regard to the contribution Malta made for the tobacco fund:

One hundred and 25 people in Malta subscribed $106.50 for the Record-Herald's "Our Boys in France Tobacco Fund." They also stated that Malta sent a lot more than their quota to the army and navy, and that Malta was one of the first cities to start a home guard.


Attention is again called to the fact that no one except firemen are allowed to ride on the fire truck while en route to fires. In the alarm turned in Monday, there were so many outsiders on the truck with difficulty any of the members of the fire department got on the truck.


Pete Miller was an easy winner of the big automobile races at the Phil-lips County Fair last week in his Oakland car. Pete is known in the same class with Wild Bill Endicott and Barney Oldfield.


Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Getting were in from Strater yesterday to see the soldiers leave. Their son, Lee, left with yesterday's contingent.

75 years ago

September 24, 1942

Former Malta woman is the mother of triplets

Word was received here last week by the Cotter brothers that their sister, Frances, had given birth to triplet girls at the Mercy Hospital at Hampstead, N. Y.

Frances attended the Malta schools and was well known here. Her married name is Mrs. George J. Hamelman, and her husband is an engineer and they have four boys, the youngest of which is 12.

Byron Stine is now a sergeant in Army Air Corps

Byron F. Stine, son of Mrs. Nellie M. Stine of Malta, has recently been promoted from corporal to the rank of sergeant. Sgt. Stine has been in the army since April 25, 1941. He was home on furlough recently.

On Sale at Buttreys: Meet the winter needs for men and boys

Men's Jacket; Capeskin jacket, lined, zipper front, bombardier style, $7.95.

Dress Shirt: Broadcloth dress shirt; Vat Dyed; full cut. 98¢.

Work shoes; leather, nailed sole, with or without caps; $2.98.

Four gallons gas allowed weekly

Price Administrator Leon Henderson announced Saturday that nation-wide gasoline rationing would start probably about Nov. 22 with a basic ration of slightly under four gallons a week.

The gasoline rationing program will give to each automobile on the minimum A-card basis, enough gasoline for 2,880 miles of driving a year, reckoned at 15 miles to the gallon.

50 years ago

'M' constructed south of town

The large M on a hill south of Malta took form and shape on a recent weekend when members of the student body of Malta High School and some interested adults spent two days building it. It is located on a sloping hill just below the municipal water tanks and is visible from the southern outskirts of Malta. The dimensions of the huge emblem are 50 feet by 70 feet.

Phillips County Community Day this Saturday

A full day of fun for everyone is in store on Phillips County Community Day this Saturday.

The day's activities will start with the punt, pass and kick contest for youngsters at the Malta athletic field. A doll, pet and bike parade is scheduled at 11 a.m. under the supervision of Malta Elementary School. Following the parade, there will be games for adults and children including bingo and horseshoes. Following this will be a horse-show from 6:30 to 10 p.m. there will be a street dance on Malta's front street where six different bands will play live music.

25 years ago

October 14, 1992

All-State Band

Four musicians will represent Malta High School at the All-State Band festival in Great Falls this weekend as honor band and choir members Toni Hould, Ehren Durham, Kristi Shettel and Tony Roberts have all earned spots.

Malta High senior wins district speech contest

The Phillips Conservation District is proud to announce their speech contestant, Michelle Olson, a senior at Malta High School, was the Montana Association of Conservation District's speech contest winner at the Area I annual meeting held in Glasgow. She chose the title "Lost Space in the Big Sky" and her speech emphasized that we are a throw-away society. Kids of today should realize that the space of our future is in their hands.

10 years ago

October 1, 2007

Street Talk

Question: What are you still wanting for someone to invent?

Donna Harris: A riding carpet shampooer. More power!

Theresa Embree: A more economical muscle car.

Brent Waters: I want someone to invent a cure for cancer.

Kelsie Handley: A cure for AIDS.

News files: 50 years ago (1957)

Mary Hotchkiss is Homecoming Queen.

The bowling alley opens in Malta on Friday.

The 15th annual Hereford Sale averages $590.56 for 27 bulls. John Kohut has the top selling bull.


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