One Nation, Under God

Dodson School Students of the Month

Grade 12: Tobias Jones because he gets his work done promptly and efficiently. He also has a great attitude and sense of humor that he exhibits daily.

He goes above and beyond in the classroom, always respectful and responsible, and has a great attitude......along with getting anything that is asked of him done. He is a great role model and doesn't let "senior-itis" get to his head.

Grade 11: Shontelle Talks Different because she always has a smile on her face and is ready to get the job done. She is an excellent encourager to her classmates.

Shania KillEagle - Change in attitude from last year, seems determined to succeed in classwork and cares about attendance so far.

Grade 10: Christina Jaynes - Well behaved, assiduous in completing her assignments, adaptable to a changing math environment.

Grade 9: Sophia Hebert because she goes above and beyond the assignment. She also shows a positive attitude each day.

Zarek Jones - 100% Attendance, well behaved in class, always smiling

Nellene Messerly - Was fairly well behaved and remembered a lot from last year.

Grade 8: Kelly Fox because he includes details in his assignment that go beyond what is asked of him. He takes the time to do his best, which is what I really admire about him.

Grade 7: Ithay Heck because she spends a lot of time perfecting each assignment.

Xavier Buffalo- I've found him to always work on the assignment and to be relatively well behaved and to show an interest in why math works like it does.

Grade 6: Kellen Cole just doesn't try, he does his best. Kellen is performing very well academically; he also has 100% attendance.

Grade 4: Lance Snow has improved his attitude and behavior. He has been a wonderful addition to our class. Lance loves to crack jokes. He loves playing basketball. He is a good team player and also loves to read. Congrats to you Lance!

Grade 2/3: Kyra Cambell is working hard and is showing perseverance. She is being challenged and rising to the occasion. She has a positive attitude and always does what is asked. She is a friend to fellow students and always willing to help out others in need.

Grade 1: Danielle James always tries hard, great independent worker and always helpful to the teacher.

Grade KF: Kaydence Stiffarm loves school, and she loves to learn. She works hard at making her numbers and letters correctly. Kaydence shows kindness towards her classmates and is very respectful to her teachers.


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