One Nation, Under God

Memories for August 16, 2017

100 years ago

August 9, 1917

Charles Raymond and Miss Edna Smith were united in marriage at the Methodist Church by Rev. O. P. Schenefelt. The marriage was a surprise to their many friends.


Four farm loan associations have been organized in Phillips County. They were Dodson, North Star, Beaver Creek and Beaverton. Applications for loans totaling $100,000 had been filed.


A mass meeting of Malta citizens had been held at the City Hall to consider the electric lighting system. Opposition to the creation of a proposed new lighting system had developed.


County Agent Robert Clarkson had turned down the offer of a job with a better salary that he was receiving in Phillips County. After some deliberation Mr. Clarkson had decided to stay and proceed with the work he had begun in Malta.


The second annual Phillips County Fair program was announced by Fair Manager H. J. Testu. Horse races, calf roping, wild horse racing, bucking contests and auto race and ladies horse racing were features and exhibits of livestock, grains and grasses, fruits, vegetables, fancy work and school were promised fair visitors.

75 years ago

August 13, 1942

Plan to feed 175 children at school

Estimates of the number of School children who will be given daily hot lunches in the Malta schools have been revised upward to 175 and the committee in charge of the hot lunch program is increasing the amount of canning to be done to meet this increase.

The hot lunch program, sponsored by the school district, the WPA and the parents of children who have to bring lunches, is well under way with the building ready, some equipment purchased and three cooks busy five days of the week canning surplus garden produce.

Canning of garden produce started last Friday and so far 28 quarts of Swiss chard, 46 quarts of beans, 19 quarts of carrots, 14 quarts of beets and 19 quarts of cauliflower have been put up.

War themes fireworks feature

Since the government has released a press bulletin okaying fireworks for patriotic and similar events to be continued during the present war emergency, fairs need have no fear of criticism from presenting that end of their entertainment program.

The Thearlen-Duffield Fireworks, Inc., of Chicago who will present the fireworks display at the fair, has already been selected by the U.S. Army as the official producers of the fireworks effects which is now touring the country and playing to capacity crowds in eastern stadiums.

The exhibitions this year will be built entirely around patriotic set-pieces with one of the features being a likeness of General MacArthur in colored lines of fires. This and many other outstanding features that will help to inspire patriotism to the 'nth degree, including on one night, "The Bombing of Tokyo" will thrill the audience.

Ereaux rites held here on Monday

Last rites for Ezra B. Ereaux, pioneer farmer and rancher of the Wagner area, were held at St. Mary's Catholic Church Monday morning at 10 o'clock by Rev. Fr. Joseph Crowley. Requiem high mass was sung.

County holds big land sale at courthouse on Tuesday

A record sale was held Tuesday morning at the courthouse when every piece offered for sale was disposed of. The land totaling 1,360 acres was sold for a total of $1,435.

In all, five pieces of land were sold, four being south of Malta and one near the Canadian line.

50 years ago

August 17, 1967

Spang family returns from Nigeria tour

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Spang and children recently returned from Nigeria, Africa, where he has been employed for the past two years as chief of party for the Bureau of Land Management.

A program, similar to the one in the state, advising government and conservation management on development of their natural resources, is being promoted in Nigeria. About 1,300,000 acres have been included in a diversion type project. At the present time development reservoirs and wells are being promoted by the BLM and they are permitting and licensing 100,000 head of livestock. This is the first program of its kind in Nigeria.

25 years ago

August 26, 1992

City adopts water, sewer increase, rate structure

At a special council meeting and public hearing, Malta City approved an increase in the water and sewer rates for the City of Malta last Tuesday, to help meet the 1992-93 fiscal year. An actual percentage hasn't been reached yet. About $40,000 will still need to come out of the reserve fund to meet expenses.

Only 10 people showed up at the hearing at which the discussion mainly centered around the proposed restricting of rates according to water usage.

Feigel negatives donated for benefit scholarship

They're billing it as "the last picture show" - over 25 years of local people and scenery in the photographs captured by local photographer Elmer Feigel, who operated Feigel Photo in Malta for many decades.

Two pickup loads of negatives and photographs taken by Feigel were donated by his family to the Malta High School Annual staff and Evie Perry.

The annual staff and Perry plan to have the negatives and photographs on display on Labor Day. The public is invited to inspect the collection and purchase any negatives or photos they desire. Funds from the sale will be used to furnish a memorial scholarship in Feigel's name to be given to a member of the staff of the school annual.

"If Elmer took a picture, we probably have the negative," Perry said.

10 years ago

August 22, 2007

2007 Fair Statistics improved, but could be better next year

The results are in and they show this year's Phillips County Fair exceeded some of last year's numbers.

Attendance 2006 2007

Youth Rodeo 72 187

NRA Rodeo 512 559

Concert 1,200 1,011

AMX 493 504

Demo Derby 745 1,144

A total of $10,640.50 was offered in premium payments, but $2,993.

Editor's Note: The 2017 Phillips County Fair had 1,598 at the Indian Races/Ranch Rodeo; LoCash's concert drew a crowd of 1,029; AMX drew 293 and Demo Derby has an attendance of 761.


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