One Nation, Under God
100 years ago
August 2, 1917
All of Phillips County grain fields were showing the effects of a long drought. Farmers had sowed large acreages of wheat and were facing a harvestless season.
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A serious fire in the Little Rockies near Lodge Pole and the mission had done considerable damage and a large force of men was required to put it under control.
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From the official list of men registered for war service in the August 2 issue in 1917 some familiar names appear: John Crowley, Henry Compton, Nolan Sutton, Thomas Earl Beavers, Frederick M. Just, Nial Smith, Ellis Blumenthal, Delos McNutt, Ray Gardner, Richard Thompson, Al Winkler, Herb Door, A.J. Westermann, H. A. Parker, Ralph Nelson, Herb Stucke, Tom Simanton, Bob Simanton, Hugh Simanton, Chas. Raymond, Chas. E. Magner, H.S. Whitcomb and F.A. Elliot.
75 Years ago
August 6, 1942
Many teachers are called to service
War service, other teaching positions and defense activates have thinned the ranks of teachers in the Malta schools and many new names will appear in the faculty list this fall, according to J.H. Lessleyyong, superintendent, who states that eleven men and women teachers will not return.
Ernest Johnson and Edward Hollister have been called for military duty and their status as far as teaching is concerned will depend upon the action of the medical board.
Aged Indian dies of heart attack west of Dodson
Medicine Boy, 68-year-old Indian, succumbed to a heart attack about three miles west of Dodson last Thursday evening while driving home on White Bear Creek.
Medicine Boy and his wife had spent the day in Dodson. Patrolman Tom Neeley arrived on the scene shortly before the man died. He was laying on the highway near his wagon. His wife did not know he was ill and it was first thought he had fallen to the oil surfaced highway from his wagon and had been fatally injured.
Birds from Fort Peck Farm distributed
Harry Cosner, deputy game warden, received a shipment of Chinese Pheasants raised on the Fort Peck game farm and this week distributed them in various sections of the county.
The shipment was the first from the Fort Peck Farm received in this county. The birds were left in Malta and others were trucked west along the Hi-Line. Mr. Cosner said that 100 birds were released near Saco, 50 on Beaver Creek, 100 at Whitewater and 50 on Alkali Creek.
County Fire Wardens to organize
Fifty-two fire wardens in 50 Phillips County communities will organize local crews this month to face the greatest prairie fire menace in two decades, according to Dale Eaters, county chairman and secretary of the Phillips County Grazing Associations.
It is pointed out that range grass is luxuriant and that grain fields are ripening. The next 30 days will be a critical period in this county, Waters said.
For the purpose of combating range fires, the county has been divided into 50 areas and 52 men have been named wardens.
50 years ago
August 10, 1967
Record crowd attended County Fair held Saturday and Sunday in Dodson
A record crowd attended the Phillips County Fair in Dodson with $682 paid admissions at the main gate. Paid admissions to the grandstand Sunday evening were $2,338. Saturday, 2,176 persons paid admission at the main gate and 82 at the evening show.
The Ray Cammack Carnival sold 22,536 tickets for rides alone during the two days. The scrambler was the most popular ride with 6,649 tickets sold.
A prize of $40 was awarded to Saco for the best community booth.
Fred McNamara received the largest number of ribbons for individual exhibits. He received $48 in prize money.
Cree Crossing School received $52 in prize money, about twice as much as any other school. Second Creek School received $26.50; Wagner, $25.50; Zortman, $20.50; Sun Prairie $20. Other schools received less than $20.
Cow severely injures boy at J.E. Jensen Farm
Raymond Robert Jensen, Jr., of Dearborn, Mich., the 13-year-old nephew of J.E. Jensen of Malta, received first, second and third-degree burns Thursday about 5:30 p.m. after being dragged for about one-half hour around a 40 acre lot by a black Guernsey cow.
Raymond, who remained in critical condition until Saturday, is reported out of danger at the Malta Hospital, according to Mrs. J.E. Jensen. The boy has had four blood transfusions and is suffering a mild concussion. Skin grafting is expected on some of the more severe burns.
He tied a lasso around the cow's neck and after failing to pull her into the corral, tied the rope around his waist. The cow lunged, knocking the boy to the ground and pulled him under the front hoofs of the cow where he was tromped.
25 years ago
August 19, 1992
Street Talk
Question: What are you most looking forward to about school?
Kirsten Lefdahl: Going to different classes instead of just one classroom.
Christopher McMullen: Seeing all my friends!
Lauren Howell: Seeing friends I haven't seen in about two years.
Tony Sunford: Gym class and music class, because, they are fun.
Dog Days winners
Winners in last Saturday's annual Dog Days competition were Billie Sky Haynes and Reserve Champion "Concho." The event organizer and grand master of the event was Dr. Jim "Doc" Curtis and the Grand Champion was Luke Johnsen and his dog, "Dee Ogee."
10 years ago
August 15, 2007
Dr. Medina signs 8-year contract extension
Dr. Ed Medina has signed a new eight-year contract with the Phillips County Hospital Association. The contract is the third for Dr. Medina, who joined the staff of the Phillips County Hospital and Family Clinic in 2000.
Street Talk
Question: As school begins next week, what's the most exciting thing you did this summer?
Kyler Isakson: I went to Billings to the Big Splash Water Slide.
Tristen Kaasa: Nothing, yet. But we are going to Deadwood, S.D., for the car show.
Cory Harned: My mom's friend gave me a fossil made before we came to earth.
Challise Young: Going swimming at the pool.
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