One Nation, Under God

Whitewater Rural News for August 2, 2017

Recent visitors at the Dunbar Ranch were Shelly Dunbar of Malta and her niece, Kari Sintler, a teacher from Nevada. Another visitor was 6-year-old Nolan, son of Mary Moore from Malta.

Will and Mary Radycyyk (daughter of Jess and Becky Murdock) and their two children, Matelyn and Jamison, visited their great grandparents, Jim and Pat Murdock last week. Will is a marine stationed in North Carolina.

Pat Murdock celebrated her birthday over the weekend at her home with lots of visitors; Ree Simonson, Sally Austin, Pat Anderson, Bill and J.W. Murdock, Will and Mary, Jim, too, they all played whist. Brie and Debbie Anderson stopped by too and Jeff Murdock flew in late from Billings after attending his daughter, Daisy’s, graduation from Long Island Business Institute in New York with an associates degree in business management on July 21.

Lexie Haynes, the Ozark and Beil families came for Grandma Pat’s part on Monday also.

Ben Math had back surgery in Billings last week and is recuperating just fine.

Janice Green and her granddaughters, Summer Green, Dallas and Ashley and cousin Kyra Wahl, daughter of Milissa and Zach of Glendive, brought Pat a few hens from Green’s brood.

Trisha LaBrie has been in Seattle having some surgery, come home soon, Trisha.


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