One Nation, Under God
The White Crosses were again put up in the Dodson Cemetery in honor of men and boys from the Dodson Area who served their country.
A total of 116 crosses were put up this year by Eldora Henry, Barbara Tremblay and Polly Solberg. Dee and Jim Shettel helped put them up last year.
An American Legion based program, the crosses were put up by Eldora and husband James for many years and then were taken over by another person. When he could no longer do it, and some crosses were broken and not replaced, the Henry's again did it for 30-plus more years. An honor and pleasure to honor our veterans.
In one place in Montana, 500 crosses are put out!
It is hard to believe and get used to the very hot and then very cool days again that we have been having. We wish the weather would make up its mind (and the wind would quit blowing once in awhile.)
Willard Mortenson attended a family anniversary in North Dakota and he said it is already beginning to brown up from Glasgow East.
Barb and Steve Tremblay were in Havre for medical treatments. Get well wishes are sent to Steve and hope all is well and he is feeling good again soon.
Terri Cole visited at the Lutheran Church after services on Sunday. Sunday afternoon Terri went to Billings to get new glasses after breaking hers.
Summer school and the lunches for the kids are in full swing and seems to keep quite a few of the kids busy.
Polly Solberg has been helping out at the Voice's.
Robert and Cathy Bear have been getting a good start on the mowing around town on the vacant lots etc. And so far the mosquitoes have not been bad.
It was nice to see Bruce James and his wife down for lunch at the Center again. Good to see Bruce out and around. Also good to have Jim Weigand back and feeling a little better. Good to see Nora and her brother who was here visiting.
Anniversary greetings are sent to Bruce and Leona Kienenberger.
The smartest advice on raising children is to enjoy them while they are still on your side.
Enjoy the week!
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