One Nation, Under God

Malta School Board approves HVAC updates, Murray Field building

When two contractors offer nearly the same bid price, have the same amount of experience and have each worked for the person doing the hiring, how do you pick?

That was the question that the Malta School Board faced last Tuesday evening during a special meeting to discuss the HVAC system in the middle and high schools. The board of trustees ultimately decided to choose a three-year plan to retrofit the current system at a grand total of $214,660, (about $71,000 per year) but not before a handful of awkward silences covered the room.

Representatives from two HVAC maintenance and installation companies (ATS Inland and Long Building Technologies) both gave nearly identical proposals to the board of trustees, each offering a one year or three-year plan for retrofitting the school’s original, 20-year-old system. Each of the companies said they would be willing to train and teach Malta School maintenance employees as much as the employees were willing to learn and both companies said they do work in nearby cities and towns so they are often near Phillips County.

At one point during the meeting, while the trustees and Malta School’s Superintendent Kris Kuehn talked about which bid estimate to choose, the ATS representatives, following 40-minutes of proposal presentations, asked if it would be easier if the two contractors left the room? Malta School Board Chair said that since the meeting was open to the public, the men did not need to leave. After another short stint of conversation did not lead to a decision, the two contractors voluntarily left the room and the stalemate was broken.

Ultimately, ATS Inland was awarded the contract because their rep said local contractors would receive some work from the out of town entity. The work will begin at the school in about three weeks’ time and most of the work around the school will be done before classes are in session for the 2017-18 school year which begins on Wednesday, August 23.

In a less dramatic escapade, the school board voted in favor of paying for the construction of a small building at Murray Field for use by the junior high football players to change in and store their football gear in (during the offseason, the school will also store items in the building.) The building materials will cost $7,418 and the Malta Athletic Club is going to do all of the construction.

A proposal on replacing the school surveillance camera system was scheduled for the night, but moved to the June 7 meeting which will start at 7 p.m.


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