One Nation, Under God

Coach Glenn Flatt funeral services to be held at MHS Gym

Glenn Flatt, retired teacher, and coach with Malta Public Schools passed away on Thursday, June 1, in Butte, Montana. Coach Flatt was 81 years old.

Funeral services for Coach Flatt will be held on Wednesday, June 7, at the Malta High School Gymnasium starting at 2 p.m. Coach Flatt's teaching career at Malta Public Schools started in 1959, three years after he graduated from Montana State University where he was a member of the 1956 MSU NCAA Division II national champion team. Coach Flatt taught at the Malta Schools until his retirement in 1995. Though he retired from teaching over 20 years ago, he continued to coach sports and was in Butte last week as an assistant coach of the high school track and field team. A more thorough story on Coach Flatt will follow next week in the PCN.


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