One Nation, Under God

Whitewater News for May 31, 2017

Sympathy to the family of Deputy Mason Moore who was killed in Montana.

School is out! Children and parents: Beware of danger! Little children should not drive golf carts! Also, golf carts should not be overloaded with children. (Please note warning.)

Pam (formerly Anderson) has been visiting her parents, Bobby and Pat in Whitewater. Pam now lives in Maryland!

There was a “Walk Run,” fundraiser in Whitewater. It raised money for playground equipment for the Whitewater Lutheran Church play area which is used by all the children here.

Saco School had a wonderful Spring Concert (which I attended along with Marion Sanguins!) A salute to all participants, including Challise (granddaughter.) It is too bad the music director is leaving Saco.

Farming work is in full-swing, but it is too early to plant gardens because the ground is cold.

Welcome back to Pastor Wisher and family. They are preparing for Vacation Bible School, Camp at the Little Rockies, and Tent Revivals this summer.

We had a little rain, then a beautiful rainbow crossed the sky in all the colors! That’s God’s promise to us!

Take Care,



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