One Nation, Under God

Hi-Line delivers the wool

Sheep producers from Hill County to Valley County make up the Hi-Line Wool Pool and on May 13, 2017, the pool members delivered 35,600 pounds of wool. This is an increase of 2,000 from 2016 delivery. In this year's delivery of the Consolidated pools, pools from Plentywood, Sidney, Wibaux, Circle, Malta, pounds of wool. In the grease, before the wool is cleaned that is a value of over about $176,000.

This year, Extension Sheep Specialist Whit Stewart decided to use a Fiber Diameter measuring machine. This machine can measure fiber diameter and length in a rapid manner. Each of the 200 bales delivered where subject to the measurement. The idea is to make the fine line of wool even finer from 19 to 23.5 micron. Wool buyers interest in fine lines of wool is why the fiber machine was used.

Many of the pool members use sheep as a management tool to suppress leafy spurge which invades their pastures and rangelands. Sheep control seed production and multiple grazing events eventually weakens the plant which allows desirable forage to increase. Sheep are also very selective on leafy spurge and can be trained to eat spotted knapweed as well.

Sheep's ability to control noxious weeds is an important attribute as Montana has about 12 to 15 million acres of noxious weeds across the state. Unfortunately, these weeds are moving at their biological potential, as if no management is being applied. Specifically, large infestations of leafy spurge infest the Milk, Marias, Teton, Smith, Missouri, and Powder Rivers.

Grazing noxious weeds with sheep is a long-term investment. If sheep are removed from large infestations, in two to three years' time the spurge and knapweed can come back to pre-grazing levels. Foraging on weeds, sheep can take a useless and damaging vegetation and turn it into a high-quality meat protein and quality garment, wool.

Though the US Navy has decided to eliminate it iconic wool "Pea" coat, many companies are re-recognizing the value of wool as an everyday garment. Just one local example is Duckworth, wool from the Helle Ranch in Dillon being used in the clothing business.


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