One Nation, Under God

Saco News for May 10, 2017

Saco BPA adviser, Kelly Downing left Monday for Florida to attend National BPA (Business Professionals of America). Tagging along were Juniors Christopher DePuydt, Chandler Pippin, and Sophomore Devon Salveson. All three boys tested in the State Competition and advanced to the Nationals in Florida.

The funeral of long-time resident, Jane Knudson, was held Friday. Jane was 97 years young.

Saco School was well represented at State Music Festival held in Billings. The final concert of the school year will be held on May 22nd. Saco Shootist Society held their first shoot of the season this past weekend.

Students of Chelsea and Josey Quinones will perform this Sunday, May 14th, at 3 o'clock. Concert will be held in the multi-purpose room at the school. Come enjoy a great afternoon of music.

Junior High Tracksters will end their season at the District Junior High track meet in Glasgow on May 10th. Our High School Tracksters will follow suit with their district meet being held in Wolf Point on Saturday, May 13. High school will be looking for a berth at both divisional and state.


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