One Nation, Under God
Malta Senior Meals
Thursday, Apr 20th - Bbq pork
Friday, Apr 21st - Meatballs & white gravy
Tuesday, Apr 25th - Sloppy Joe's
Do you have a birthday in April? Be sure to sign up for a 10 meal certificate for April when you sign in for dinner.
Auxiliary Girls State Applications
The Malta American Legion Auxiliary is accepting Girls State applications. Applications are available on-line at Please follow instructions. Girls State session will run Sunday June 11 to Saturday June 17, 2017 at Carroll College in Helena. Applications must be submitted to Malta American Legion Auxiliary at PO Box 957, Malta, Mt. 59538 or in person at the Malta VFW Club. One delegate from Phillips County will be selected. Call Carolyn at 654-2777 if you have any questions
Malta VFW Meeting Rescheduled
4-19. The Malta VFW Auxiliary regular monthly meeting scheduled for April 12 has been rescheduled for April 19 at 6 p.m. Election of officers is on the agenda. Please, all members attend this important meeting.
MHS Pre-Fest Concert
4-20. Malta High School will be host a Pre- Festival Concert for High School Choir and Band solos and ensembles on Thursday, April 20, beginning at 3:15 p.m. - in the Band Room, Choir Room and HS Auditorium. The Music District 12 Festival is in Wolf Point this year and will be on April 21 and 22.
Everyone is invited!
Malta Trails Meeting
4-20. Malta Trails will host its annual and monthly meeting on Thursday, April 20 at 7 p.m. at Stretch’s.
MES 2nd Grade Dino Museum
4-21. The Malta Elementary 2nd grade Dinosaur Museum will be on Friday, April 21. It is open to parents and the public starting at 2 p.m. and will run until about 2:35. Hope to see you guys there!
Soup and Bread
4-22. The Malta Senior Citizen Center will be hosting a Soup and Bread luncheon on Saturday, April 22 from 11:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. The event is a freewill offering and a food drive so bring an item for the food bank. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Shooting Sports Awards
4-23. The PC 4-H Shooting Sports will be hosting their annual awards and pizza party on Sunday, April 23 at 4 p.m. at Stretch’s Pizza. All family members and participants are welcome. For more information please contact the PC Extension Office at 654-2543.
Dodson Early Childhood Screening
4-26. Early Childhood Screening ages birth to 5 years old for 3rd Edition (DP-3) and 4th Edition (DIAL-4). Held Wednesday, April 26 at the Dodson School from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. For appointments call the school at 383-4362.
P.E.O. Chapter AK Luncheon
4-26. Malta P.E.O. will hold their salad luncheon to celebrate Administrative Assistant's Day at the Little White Church on Wednesday, April 26, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tickets are $8 and are available from members or at the door.
Malta Women’s Club Card Marathon
4-27. The Malta Women’s Club is having their annual Card Marathon at the Senior Center on Thursday, April 27 at 7 p.m. Coffee and snacks will be provided. Come enjoy the fun.
Blood Drive
4-27. American Red Cross Malta Community Blood Drive will be Thursday, April 27 from 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Malta Lutheran Church. Contact enter sponsor code: malta or call 406-403-0956 for an appointment.
Spring Fling 'Nite at the Races'
4-28. St. Mary’s Parish is hosting a Spring Fling “Nite at the Races” on Friday, April 28 with a no-host social from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 and the meal beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Tin Cup Bar and Grill. Tickets are $25 per person and are available at the three local banks.
The Malta School District Trustee Election
5-2. The Malta School District Trustee Election will be held on Tuesday, May 2. Please note the change of polling place – all precincts will vote at the Malta High School Mustang Corral/Cafeteria. Please use the east doors to access the polling location. Polls will be open from 12 p.m. until 8 p.m.
Headstart Deadline
5-5. Friday, May 5 is deadline for enrollment for Head Start. Any questions call 654-2005 and ask for Susy Johnson.
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