One Nation, Under God
Sympathy to family of Tom Watson. He played violin beautifully.
Calving is in full swing all over. Calves are so cute but branding time will soon be here and it is terrible that calves and also lambs will be tortured by ranching operations. There must be another way.
Linda Berg’s sister Jane and husband, and also friend Mary Anne, all from Canada, were in Whitewater.
Many went to the Swishfest in Malta. The Whitewater team won, including the Green children.
Welcome back to the Wisher family who will be having Baptist Church here again.
Lu Bessel is busy doing taxes as many people are.
There was a birthday party for Helen DePuydt in March and it was very nice. Helen wrote a very long article about Leona Heinetz and family of Saco, which had appeared in the Glasgow Courier long ago. The article has resurfaced and my friend, Anita Alexander of Glasgow, sent me copies if anyone wants them. The story by Helen DePuydt is titled “Listen to the Quiet.”
I’m planning a concert for April 9th, advertised in last week’s paper. I’ll let you know how it turns out.
Adam Hellie’s having lots of company lately.
Salute to the students who write for the Penguin Press (Whitewater School news). Good job!
Happy birthday to all April birthdays, including myself.
Also Happy Easter to all! Color eggs and go to church.
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